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Date Posted: 13:10:33 04/25/03 Fri
Author: Pauline
Subject: Colby's callback at Baby Gap seemed to go smoothly....

DH had to take him alone since I had a meeting this morning that I couldn't get out of. They were seeing people from 9-1 and DH got there around 11. He said that there was a wide range of baby ages, from very very small babies to those around Colby's age (now 20 months) -- but that Colby was on the old end of the babies he saw. Colby did great -- was very happy and perky, although he didn't smile when they asked him to. He did walk over to the line and look at the camera when told, though. Like last time, NO IDEA what they're looking for or what his chances are, though. From other BBs I've found, it seems that they will have the final shoot for those babies selected next week. That's a bummer because I will be in San Francisco so DH will have to take him alone again. I just know I'm going to be on pins and needles until we know one way or the other!


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