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Date Posted: 13:22:04 04/25/03 Fri
Author: Ginger
Subject: Finally had Abby's 4 month check..

now that shes almost 5 months (on Monday) LOL

she weighs 13 pounds 11 ounces..is 25 1/2 inches long and has a 16 1/4 inch head

she has excema.. and a couple of realllly bad patches of it.. infected and such.. one is on her cheek and it looks nasty. I have been worried about it because Tyler had this except his entire head, face, arms and legs weeped and oozed like this one spot of hers is doing.. sighhh Its heartbreaking to see and to hear peoples reactions to it and I can only hope that hers doesnt get that bad.. the Dr gave me hydrocortisone and bactroban.. but get this.. she told me Tide is the best detergent and to wash her clothes in it like we do ours and just to do an extra rinse on her stuff.. and to use fabric softener but no dryer sheets..
Im fine with that but I thought it was odd coming from a dr.. figured she would say to use some 'free' detergent or baby stuff LOL

Tyler also has the asthma and its related to the skin probs so Im concerned that Abby may end up wih asthma too.. and I hate to say it but I really dont know if I can go through all that we have gone through with his asthma again... sigh..

Anyways.. shes healthy other than that,.. got 2 shots.. couldnt get all of them because theyre out of them AGAIN.. bleh this place never seems to have the shots we need.

sooo thats my update on her. shes hungry now so Im off to feed her..

thanks for reading!


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