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Date Posted: 21:45:32 04/26/03 Sat
Author: Tammy
Subject: Ok, I haven't posted much lately, but I have to vent about today...m..

I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately, but we have been really busy and we went to Alabama for Easter. Anyway, I have been doing much better the last week in dealing with my cheating husband and the divorce, until today. My lawyer said he is giving me a really good deal and I should lay off him. So I have. BUT, today I went to a birthday party for one of Jessica's friends. I happen to know her grandmother and grandfather are going through the same thing we are, except their divorce is final and he has married the other, much younger, woman. It was hard enough seeing them all there together, thinking about that being us soon, but then when we sat down for presents, the new wife was all over the husband. In front of the old wife. I almost lost it right there. The first wife did real good, but I knew it hurt her. I just don't know if I am ready for something like that. I am thinking about talking to Jim and making sure he knows I don't want to see any physical contact when we have to do things together. I mean he thinks I should be over it by now and realize that the marriage is going to happen and embrace her, but I can't do that. I thought I could a couple of weeks ago, but not now! It has only been 3 months since I thought we were a perfect couple. It has not been long enough. They said in the divorcing parents class they made us take that it takes up to 2 years to get over it. I believe it. Jim is sure I will meet someone really soon and get serious. I think he is wrong. OH, the reason is he said I am NOW very attractive because I have lost 22 lbs. and cut my hair. He is so shallow. It is totally about looks for him. I would never get serious with someone again who is so into physical characteristics. I want someone who loves me for who I really am, not what I look like. Anyway, we did have a really good time in Birmingham for Easter. My parents will be here in 2 weeks. My mom will be staying for 6 weeks to help my sister who is having a hysterectomy. She is only 32, but doc says it is necessary. Well, we are going to Disney tomorrow after church. I am determined to get the moneys worth out of our annual passes. If anyone is coming this way, let me know. Tammy.

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