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Date Posted: 00:31:00 04/28/03 Mon
Author: fiwee
Subject: We just got home from taking DH back....why is it still so hard to say goodbye? (M)

Please don't think I'm ungrateful for the two weekends we've had together, or for the fact that he's still close enough to visit. It's just hard saying goodbye again, and again, and again! Maybe it's the uncertainty, not knowing for sure if we'll get to see him again soon or not. It could be that he's home again next weekend...or it could be that he's shipped out by then. Now they're guessing mid to late May, or even later....though thye've been told to be ready at any time. It's so frustrating that they aren't really accomplishing anything meaningful where they're currently at, but they're stuck there until somebody decides what to do with them. We're going on six weeks of waiting.

I apologize that I always have something to whine about...but it was almost easier just visiting with him at a hotel than having him come home. There are little "pieces" of him around the house again and seeing it is making me cry tonight. I just miss him so much...we all do. All day today, Zachary kept hugging him, saying, "I sure am going to miss you, Daddy!", and that he was sad that he had to go back. Elias stayed with a friend of ours while we drove DH back, and when I got home, he was looking past me, asking, "Dada?" DH will be happy that Eli was looking for him, but the fact that he did that made me so sad. It's so hard to see your kids expressing a need and not be able to do anything but say that you understand and try to give them outlets for expressing their feelings...and of course in Eli's situation, he's too young to understand any of this.

Can anyone join me in prayer that he won't actually have to deploy? There is a rumor going around that it could be a very remote possibility, and I want to cling to that hope! I know it's a good thing that he's doing, and I support him all the way. But the greater part of me just wants my family back together again.

Thanks for listening,

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