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By Fadheela(Islamic Surf Member)
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Date Posted: 23:50:10 04/09/03 Wed

By Fadheela(Islamic Surf Member)

So Baghdad has been conquered! There is jubilation in the streets of Baghdad as a handful of Iraqi citizens tear down the statues of Saddam Hussein and hail praises to the coalition forces.Some of them were fortunate enough to get the rare opportunity of riding on Saddam`s head, what a privilege! In all their happiness, the Iraqi`s could not resist looting the city of Baghdad of it`s riches while the coalition forces looked on, heavily armed. To these bunch of Iraqi fools I have one thing to say, "you are a disgrace not only to the Arab world, but to the entire Muslim world as well. Allah forbid that you learn the hard way that the infidels can never ever be your liberators let alone your friends!"

I wonder how many of the coalition forces were able to resist the temptation of doing some looting of their own. After all, now that they have taken Baghdad, they will probably be packing up to leave and I am sure that they would like to take some
"Iraqi souvenirs" back home for their loved ones? As for the coalition forces , the fact that they could not bring Saddam Hussein down physically, they must have been absolutely delighted to be able to bring down his statues!!!
If you cant beat em then join em!

Amidst scenes of delight and so-called liberation, death still looms in the air. Uncertainty still looms in the air. Suspicion still looms in the air. Where, I wonder, have the remaining 6 million citizens of Baghdad disappeared to? Are they celebrating as well? What about the 19 000 Iraqi`s who live throuhgout Iraq, are they also celebrating? Let us not forget that behind the scenes of a handful of seemingly jubilant Iraqi citizens, lies an ailing nation.

The Americans are champions of deceit. The western media is as ruthless as the U.S bombs which cause brutal destruction of innocent lives. What the world is witnessing is selective television coverage. Another attempt to mislead the masses! As far as I am concerned, this war is far from over, the coalition forces are far from victorious and the Iraqi`s are far from liberated!

Journalists who were reporting the gruesome facts of the invasion of Baghdad were threatened by the coalition forces. They were commanded to abandon their reporting. A Western reporter said this morning that the coalition forces deliberately targeted the Palestine hotel which is housing the majority of the Western journalists and that they are going to insist that an inquest be made into what really transpired which caused the death of three journalists. Moments ago I heard the same reporter praising the coalition forces and it appears that he has completely changed his tune. He is definately reporting under duress!

As for all the talk going around about who is going to govern Iraq next, well, I believe that it is a little too early to be contemplating about the future of Iraq when there is no certainty about the present. For the Americans to prematurely claim victory is foolish. There is absolutely no indication whatsoever as to the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein. What about the Republican guard? Did they simply disappear into thin air? Saddam Hussein should by no means be underestimated.This war is not over by a long shot.

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