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Subject: Tackle

Cold Blade
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Date Posted: 09:17:15 08/01/02 Thu
In reply to: Cold Blade 's message, "Growls" on 15:21:44 07/31/02 Wed

He slunk over to a patch of bushes downwind so they couldn't be smelt. The cub continued lumbering around. Cold Blade's claws dub into the terra in anticipation. The cub looked warily around. Seeing nothing, he continued in his play. Cold Blade barked to Sirus; it would be a good time to attack. Lunging at the cub, he lands on it's back, yet one pup couldn't weigh the entire cub down.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *He too,leaps upon the bear cub's back.*

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Date Posted: 12:04:27 08/02/02 Fri

*He snarls as he leaps onto it's back.Then he sinks his tiny needles into its shoulder,and he won't let go.He looks to Cold Blade to see if he is doing the right thing.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Nods

Cold Blade
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Date Posted: 09:33:22 08/05/02 Mon

The cub tried to escape, yet it too was young. It sunk to the ground, and let out a whimpering call. Cold Blade let go and sat on top of it. He smiles at Sirus. Not bad.... His smile begins to fade. A huge figure begins lumbering toward them. The momma bear! He gets up.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Growls.*

Sirus,Silver Shadow
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Date Posted: 17:10:36 08/05/02 Mon

*He snarls at the huge figure as it comes closer,but is almost paralized with fear and cannot move.*

*Silver Shadow twitches in her sleep,having heard the bear.Then suddenly she jolts awake,and seeing the bear she snarls,leaps over her parents,and at the bear's throat,trying to get it away from her brothers.*

*Hurricane continues to sleep,having no idea what is happening.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Shake

Cold Blade, Star Gazer
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Date Posted: 10:16:26 08/06/02 Tue

Cold Blade shook his head. If Silver Shadows would attack, so would he. He lept onto it's back and sunk his teeth in, while using his claws to scratch up the back. The bear roared and swatted Silver Shadows off her neck. She shook fiercely, sending Cold Blade flying. She lumbered up and roared again.

Star Gazer heard a yelp and her eyes flew open. She ran toward the sound and saw the bear attacking her brothers and sister. She thought quickly. She began to taunt the bear, jumping back and forth, just out of it's reach. The bear was enraged and began to try and grab her. Star Gazer lept out of the way. catch me if you can!!! She dashed off, still taunting it. The bear fell down on four paws and chased after her.

Nightstar rolled over, but slept on.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Hits the ground with a hard thud.*

Silver Shadow,Sirus
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Date Posted: 16:57:09 08/06/02 Tue

*As her body comes in contact with the hard,cold dirt ground a soft yelp is emmited.She snarls,and tries her best to stand,but only falls 'pon the ground.She whines at not being able to help,and watches them with narrowed eyes full of hatred.*

*Sirus watches them,then runs to try and help but only falls into a deep hole and cannot get out.*

*Silver Shadow finally manages to stand up,and she hobbles t'wards the bear,stumbling every few feet.She snarls at the bear,and circles it,just out of it's reach.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yelp

Cold Blade, Star Gazer, Nightstar
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Date Posted: 20:45:54 08/06/02 Tue

Star Gazer manages to just get out of it's grasp, but she was tireing out. She began to pant. She tripped over a loose tree root and sprawled on the ground. The bear caught up and stepped on her. The entire weight of the bear began to crush her body. Suddenly the bear got off and began to chase after Silver Shadows.

Cold Blade runs and tries getting Sirius out of the hole, but can't. He runs and tries finding his way back to his parents. He finally finds them and bursts out. The rest of the pups are in trouble!

Nightstar's eyes fly open. She jumps up, hearing that her pups were in trouble. Where are they?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Leaps awake.*

Hurricane & Pups
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Date Posted: 18:12:53 08/07/02 Wed

*Silver Shadows growls,then seeing the bear come after her,she leaps into the air and is running before her silvery paws touch the dirt 'pon the ground.She yelps then starts takes one more leap and gains at least a foot ahead of the angry bear mother.*

*Sirus whines while in the hole,scared and shivering hopelessly.*

*Unforgiven Hurricane leaps up after hearing what Cold Blade had said.Then hearing Sirus whine he runs as fast as his body allows him to t'wards the sound,then he hears the bear and snarls,as he leaps at it's throat.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Growl

Cold Blade, Star Gazer, Nightstar, and Bear
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Date Posted: 09:03:57 08/08/02 Thu

The bear leaps, body landing on Silver Shadows, crushing her. She begins to lie down, to put her full body weight when Hurricane comes. She growls, then swipes him, whacking him away. She lumbers over, then takes him in her mouth and begins to crunch his bones.

Cold Blade reaches down as far as he can to Sirius. He throws down a long dead branch. Try climbing it!

Nightstar snarls as she jumps onto her back. She sinks her teeth in, and hangs on, determined not to let go. The bear shook itself. Nightstar was beginning to loose her grasp. She clung on tighter, then began to claw at the bear, slowly and painfully.

Star Gazer lay on the ground, not too far away. She was nearly crushed by the bear, her breath came weakly, but she would hold on. Her parents were busy fighting and the rest of the pups were hurt. She would hold on...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Whines.*

Hurricane and pups.
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Date Posted: 17:48:21 08/08/02 Thu

~Silver Shadow yelps and her breathing slows to the paces O' Star Gazer's.But she was determined to live and would NOT die,so she clung on to life,though just barely.~

+Sirus grabs hold O' the rope and climbs it the best he can.He falls down once,but tries again and suceeds.Then he runs o'ver to Star Gazer and licks her,trying to stimulate her blood so she would get up.But it was no use..+

*Hurricane growls at the bear,trying to protect his family,but it was no use since he was in the bear's mouth.He sinks his daggers into the bear's head in a death grib that only death O' one or the other could break.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Swipe

Nightstar and pups (Bear)
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Date Posted: 10:00:04 08/09/02 Fri

Cold Blade ran over to Silver Shadows when Sirius ran to Star Gazer. He nudged her with his nose. Come on... wake up.... He whimpers.

Star Gazer faintly feels someone licking her, but it was no use. Eyes go out of focus and she falls into a black darkness.

Nightstar jumped on the bear's head, and sunk her teeth into it's eyes, puncturing them. The bear roared, hurt. It swiped randomly at everything. It fell, not yet dead, but very much hurt. It roared again and tried to whack of Hurricane.

OOC: I'm going to Jap

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Swipe

Hurricane,& pups
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Date Posted: 17:00:45 08/11/02 Sun

*Yelps as the bear's paw hits him,and he goes tumbling to the ground with a tthud that is heard as well as seen.He stands up 'pon shaky legs then limps up to the bear and tries to sink daggers into its throat.*

*Sirus lay next to Star Gazer to giver her his warmth,not that it was of much use..*

*Silver Shadow felt Cold Blade's wet,rough nose nudging her,and her eyes flickered open,and her tail hits the ground once with a soft thud of a wag.She licks his ear,then staggers,trying to get up.She manages to stand for a short while.But a few moments later and her legs give way beneath her,making her tumble to the ground.Her head bangs hard against the ground and she whines,and her eyes roll and her world goes black,but she remains consious,though unable to see.She gives a frightened whine,wondering what had happened to the world,and why it had become so dark...*

((Ok,bye.and have fun!:))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Finish

Nightstar and pups (bear)
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Date Posted: 20:04:52 08/21/02 Wed

The bear was tired and worn out. It tried to swipe again, but it fell to the ground. At that point, Nightstar rushed in. Hurricane got to the bear's throat. It roared and fell. Nighstar quickly bit it, tearing. The bear's eyes glazed over and it's body moved no longer. Nightstar stood and limped over to Hurricane. She began to lick his wounds.

Star Gazer saw a picture of Silver Shadows flicker in her mind laying on the ground, Cold Blade above her. Then saw Sirus next to her. She tried to move, but couldn't. Her body wasn't obeying her.

Cold Blade licked her face with his pink tongue, trying to keep her awake and alive. He also curled up around her, trying to keep her warm.

OOC: *drum roll* guess who's back? *smiles* Oh home sweet home....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Let's try this again

Nightstar and pups
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Date Posted: 10:01:26 08/09/02 Fri

OOC: I'm going to japan for the next two weeks. I might be able to sneak on a few minutes to play, but don't count on it... Okay, bye!! :)

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