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Date Posted: 20:26:02 08/15/02 Thu
¤ Parting her black maw, she speaks, "I'm not here to be your mate," Laughs slighty," But I can welcome Alaskan Mountains to you as a home, it is a wonderful place, and there is a mating service offered there. So maybe you can find someone there." She begins to turn, before stopping, one white paw slightly stretched out. "If you would like, you may follow me..." ¤
((OOC: There are two ways to get can either, follow these directions, or use the URL.
- Go to the Main Wolves page
- Then go to Mylisica (link)
- Then click the link on the next page
- Then click the Mylisica link on the next page
- Then go to Ice Tundra
- Then scroll down until you get a bunch of links, and click the last one which will be Zenae's Sub-pack
- Welcome to Alaskan Mountains!
Or, here's the URL:
I hope you come! It's a great place, with active people!!))
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