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Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 20:51:49 08/15/02 Thu

The juvenile limps quickly in, emerging from the tall grass to shorter, more flattened out grass. His mad run eventually slows to a laboured stumble. He drags his injured leg behind him. He finally collapses, panting and trembling uncontrollably. He pulls his bleeding leg close to him, it felt as if it were being stung by a thousand wasps. He nudges it lightly with his nose, deciding that it must either be broken or fractured. He looks up into the early evening sky from where he lays, gazing at the brightening stars. What have I done? He asks himself quietly. What have I done? He then lets his head drop to the ground, drifting quietly from conciousness.

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[> Subject: Re: †heed the warning†

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 21:04:19 08/15/02 Thu

>The juvenile limps quickly in, emerging from the tall
>grass to shorter, more flattened out grass. His mad
>run eventually slows to a laboured stumble. He drags
>his injured leg behind him. He finally collapses,
>panting and trembling uncontrollably. He pulls his
>bleeding leg close to him, it felt as if it were being
>stung by a thousand wasps. He nudges it lightly with
>his nose, deciding that it must either be broken or
>fractured. He looks up into the early evening sky from
>where he lays, gazing at the brightening stars.
>What have I done? He asks himself quietly.
>What have I done? He then lets his head drop to
>the ground, drifting quietly from conciousness.
looks questioninly at you...what have you done, asks questions while she examins leg...

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[> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 21:20:43 08/15/02 Thu

He snaps awake, frightened, breathing heavily. As quickly as he can, he returns to three leg and gingerly places the fourth one on the ground, though it shakes violently. Nothing...I'm just fine...See? He puts even weight on all his legs and his eyes start to water from the pain. See? No problem there...

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[> Subject: Re: nothings wrong huh?....

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 21:30:26 08/15/02 Thu

>The juvenile limps quickly in, emerging from the tall
>grass to shorter, more flattened out grass. His mad
>run eventually slows to a laboured stumble. He drags
>his injured leg behind him. He finally collapses,
>panting and trembling uncontrollably. He pulls his
>bleeding leg close to him, it felt as if it were being
>stung by a thousand wasps. He nudges it lightly with
>his nose, deciding that it must either be broken or
>fractured. He looks up into the early evening sky from
>where he lays, gazing at the brightening stars.
>What have I done? He asks himself quietly.
>What have I done? He then lets his head drop to
>the ground, drifting quietly from conciousness.

u still didn't tell me what you did, says thus as she pulls out first aide...i might have to get a medic for this...

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[> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 23:14:15 08/15/02 Thu

It's none of your business. He hisses through gritted teeth. I do not need a mednic, or whatever you call 'em, I'm just fine... He immediately hobbles past her.

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[> [> [> Subject: ¤Quietly walks up, looking over Haryon's legs with raised eyeborws¤

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Date Posted: 01:37:56 08/16/02 Fri

¤ Parting her maw, she speaks, "You sure did a number to yourself. Need help getting back to the 'mountains?" Though the wolf had once challenged her, she felt compassion for most, and only wanted to help.¤

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[> [> Subject: {FANG}

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Date Posted: 01:48:07 08/16/02 Fri

Pads up to the wolf pup. Haryon we need to get you back home. Hurry now, your mother can heal you there.

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[> [> [> Subject: *Gets in Haryon's way so he can't leave until he goes with us back to the pack*

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Date Posted: 06:15:06 08/16/02 Fri

Come lets go pup! You'll live. and that's the last time you'll make that mistake, huh? Next time listen to your elders you might not like us but we have wisdom you can learn before you toss us aside. *Grins Looks to Raumo or Calprei to get by Haryon's other side and help him guide haryon home*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 08:17:28 08/16/02 Fri

He turns away. I'm not going back. The pack doesn't need me. He looks for a possible escape.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: †heed the warning†

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 08:23:56 08/16/02 Fri

>He turns away. I'm not going back. The pack doesn't
>need me.
He looks for a possible escape.
yes we do...why would you think that? silver wolf looms over pup. you need to listen to your elders. reaches down to grab pup...

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Gets in the way and stops Silver Fire*

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Date Posted: 10:14:46 08/16/02 Fri

Haryon at least come back so your mom can heal you! I understand your want to leave, But don't be unwise about it. *Nudges him gently toward the pack lands*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: steps aside, sorry..leaves.

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 10:52:57 08/16/02 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 20:57:17 08/16/02 Fri

Don't you understand? He backs up quickly, using his injured leg sparingly. You don't need me. He backs somemore, putting distance inbetween himself and the others. I'm giving Mother a choice. Me or Seeking Storms. And I already know the answer. He backs up to the edge of the tall grass. And I don't need you...I don't need any of you. He shakes his head slowly, letting a single tear slide down his face. He suddenly turns away and bolts, on three legs, into the tall grass, masking his many emotions as best as he could.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: HARYON *She Growls*

§eeking §torm
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Date Posted: 10:48:23 08/17/02 Sat

*Chases him and tackles him to the ground to speed easily catching up with him. Bites his muzzle like she did they first time they met.* You stay with the pack I'm not her real pup you are! I'm leaving the pack and I'm never comming back. Understand me! *Sits back gives his muzzle a gentle lick Then she turns and runs away at an amazing speed*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: {FANG}

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Date Posted: 10:22:03 08/19/02 Mon

Grins after being ignored. So this is what all this is about? Well..I see the jealously in the ways of Seeking Storms and Haryon. Listen you two, I love you both equally. Seeking Storms, your mother and I saved you from death. But Haryon, Zenae gave life to you. I was once jealous of Kaano. Growls softly for even mentioning it, but he continues, knowing that Kaano was somewhere nearby. I wished to kill her. She got all the attention. But I didn't. Do you know why? Because I loved her. She was family. It doesn't matter if they aren't your blood relatives. Kaano...Kaano is my sister. My real sister. But I have another. One that I won't mention. Her, I loved very much. Like a mother almost. She took care of my when I killed my father. After he abused Kaano. She got jealous of Kaano and left. Now I have one sister who I haven't seen in 3 years, and another who won't talk to me most of the time. Do you think that I complain? No, didn't think so. You two are siblings, you should know what sibling rivalry is, but this isn't rivalry, this is hatred. Too much of it can kill you. Not directly, but like my father. Someone else killing you because it hurts a loved one. Understand? Now apologize to each other. Seeking Storms. Haryon. Stands up to his full height, towering over the two pups.

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[> [> [> Subject: ¤ Gets close to him on one side...¤

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Date Posted: 10:19:00 08/16/02 Fri

¤ Turns to Haryon again,"They're right, go home, get healed, then do whatever, all we're trying to do is not get you killed." With slight pressure of her shoulder on one side, and Ferdie's on the other, she tries to get him to move foreward¤

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[> Subject: Re: the silver wolf frowns...

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 07:59:37 08/16/02 Fri

>The juvenile limps quickly in, emerging from the tall
>grass to shorter, more flattened out grass. His mad
>run eventually slows to a laboured stumble. He drags
>his injured leg behind him. He finally collapses,
>panting and trembling uncontrollably. He pulls his
>bleeding leg close to him, it felt as if it were being
>stung by a thousand wasps. He nudges it lightly with
>his nose, deciding that it must either be broken or
>fractured. He looks up into the early evening sky from
>where he lays, gazing at the brightening stars.
>What have I done? He asks himself quietly.
>What have I done? He then lets his head drop to
>the ground, drifting quietly from conciousness.

well since you dont need a medic i got your pack, and don't hiss at me im only helping you. nodas at raumo, ferdie, calprei.

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[> [> Subject: *Whimpers.*

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Date Posted: 23:57:16 08/17/02 Sat

*The night black femme pads o'er to haryon,and nudges his shoulder.She winces as she loks at his leg,and whimpers.Her tongue goes out to lick his injured leg gingerly,so very softly that it is barely felt.* Haryon,ley us help you...You need to come home.. *Whines and her eyes plead for him to come home.*

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[> [> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 00:09:11 08/18/02 Sun

I would mother but... Looks at the ground. I can't explain. Slowly edges away. I have to sort things out...try to...at least...and I think my leg will be fine... Gives them all one last look before slipping into the tall grass.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: watches pup leave. good luck

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 00:50:28 08/18/02 Sun

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[> [> Subject: *Walks back and gets in Haryons Face*

§eeking §torm
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Date Posted: 10:08:15 08/19/02 Mon

I'm giving up everything for you Haryon. Go back! I'm leaving so that you'll stay and help the pack be strong. I hope That as fast and far away for the wolf lands as possible*

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[> [> Subject: *Walks back and gets in Haryons Face* (READ THIS ONE)

§eeking §torm
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Date Posted: 10:09:25 08/19/02 Mon

I'm giving up everything for you Haryon. Go back! I'm leaving so that you'll stay and help the pack be strong. I hope that you'll apprecaite what I'm doing for you and even if you don't! I'll be long gone anyway *Turns and runs as fast and far away from the wolf lands as possible*

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[> [> [> Subject: {FANG}

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Date Posted: 12:03:32 08/19/02 Mon

Sighs. Everyone...let's settle this at home. Where we can heal Haryon, so you won't get infections. Seeking Storms come back. Don't you owe us some gratitude? We gave you a home. Like everyone else. They are loyal to the end. You should at least come home with us and sort this out.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: She's gone bieleveing it's the only way to...

§eeking §torm
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Date Posted: 13:28:55 08/19/02 Mon

reunite haryon with the pack, she's seen heading toward the horses or beyond but she's indefinately gone

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 17:22:42 08/19/02 Mon

He considers and pokes his head out of the tall grass. Fine. I'll go back. He then disappears again, decidedly going back to the pack.

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