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Subject: {FANG}

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Date Posted: 10:22:03 08/19/02 Mon
In reply to: Ferdie 's message, "*Gets in Haryon's way so he can't leave until he goes with us back to the pack*" on 06:15:06 08/16/02 Fri

Grins after being ignored. So this is what all this is about? Well..I see the jealously in the ways of Seeking Storms and Haryon. Listen you two, I love you both equally. Seeking Storms, your mother and I saved you from death. But Haryon, Zenae gave life to you. I was once jealous of Kaano. Growls softly for even mentioning it, but he continues, knowing that Kaano was somewhere nearby. I wished to kill her. She got all the attention. But I didn't. Do you know why? Because I loved her. She was family. It doesn't matter if they aren't your blood relatives. Kaano...Kaano is my sister. My real sister. But I have another. One that I won't mention. Her, I loved very much. Like a mother almost. She took care of my when I killed my father. After he abused Kaano. She got jealous of Kaano and left. Now I have one sister who I haven't seen in 3 years, and another who won't talk to me most of the time. Do you think that I complain? No, didn't think so. You two are siblings, you should know what sibling rivalry is, but this isn't rivalry, this is hatred. Too much of it can kill you. Not directly, but like my father. Someone else killing you because it hurts a loved one. Understand? Now apologize to each other. Seeking Storms. Haryon. Stands up to his full height, towering over the two pups.

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