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Subject: Re: SAVE WHOSE LINE!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 21:28:52 09/25/03 Thu
In reply to: Holly 's message, "SAVE WHOSE LINE!!!!!!!!!!" on 18:10:34 09/25/03 Thu


I'm going to write them an actual letter. Don't anyone bother with emailing them, they don't care. A letter will be more affective.

I believe we should at least have the right to see the last episodes they taped. That's not fair at all, for us as loyal fans, to be deprived of seeing those last episodes. I mean, we could be missing out on some of the most extraordinarily hilarious moments in WL history from those lost episodes! How can they do that to us?? How much more disrespectful can ABC be towards the show and it's devoted fanbase?!?!? It's so freakin' cheap to produce and they get like 3-4 shows from 1 taping. What does it get in return?? It gets treated like a "filler" show! Well, the only positivity from that is that it DOES get shown, but, when?? You know, they were always shifting it around and changing it's time and day, and they say it's the SHOW'S fault that it has low ratings?? Well, wake up ABC! You're the idiots who were constanty altering its schedule. Did you expect people to know when it was on?? Did you ever try to maybe advertise a little for it??? Did you ABC??? Did you ever think about that?????

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