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Date Posted: 19:36:16 09/01/19 Sun
Author: Barbara
Author Host/IP: ool-44c32a8e.dyn.optonline.net /
Subject: Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave
In reply to: Barbara 's message, "Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave" on 22:34:38 11/21/15 Sat

>>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>>Farrell, and George Baque.
>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>the US Department of Labor.
>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>Seed mans
>Do you remember a manager named Bill Strickland from

Yes, Bill was the manager of that department! Any way to reach him now? It’s quite important.

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