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Date Posted: 19:04:39 05/02/03 Fri
Author: The United Republic Branch of Democracy
Subject: Democracy

Ronald F. Dowell's petion of redress of grievances(The

United Republic Branch Of Democracy) is here presented

to the government( the people)for ratification by the

government (the people).
The United Republic Branch of Democracy, is

being voted on now, by the people, of The United

States of America. This Branch of

government, is neither amending, nor compromising the

constitution, but rather adorning it. It gives the

people the right to oversee every other branch of

government.It gives the people the right to vote on

every piece of legislation that comes from the

congress and the president. This legislation can not

become the law unless the people say it is so. Plus it

gives the people the right to go back though every

piece of legislation that is now on the books, one by

one, to see if they want it, or any piece of it to be

the law.

As it is now, the congress and the

president, vote into being, law after law, that is

unconstitutional and the supreme court does nothing.

You have to be rich, to challenge, a law all the way

to the supreme court, and then the supreme court has

the right to review the law only if they want to. What

type of government is that? It is a totalitarian type

of government sponsored by corporations and special

interest groups, it is definitely not democracy, it is

a republic, where the people are slaves to the state

(national debt) where the people own nothing, (real

estate tax - personal tax) where our two party system

cannot be told apart from each other, (because their

all in bed together) where the people's lives are

strictly controled and the people fear their own

government. With all this our country is well on its

way to being a communist state.
If this is what the people of the United States

of America wants, their government, doing what ever it

wants, when ever it wants, and not following the

laws,( the constitution) of this great country of, The

United States of America, and then expecting every one

else to, then so be it. But if the people of the

United States of America wants their government, to

follow the letters of the law (The Constitution) then

it is not only their right but their obligation and

duty to change it. It will not change unless you

change it.
It is time for the people of this great nation

to stand up, to be counted, and to demand their

rights. Voting for the United Republic Branch of

Democracy, is the only way for the people of this

country to regain control of their country legally.

Vote the politicians (ones primarily interested in

political offices for their own selfish special

interests) out and vote your self in. The people have

got to wake up, and realize that they have got to take

back, their country, before it is to late and they

have no rights at all. Please vote for, The United

Republic Branch of Democracy, if not for me, or for

yourself, do it for your chidren, its the only way to

change the current system.
At this time i am contacting every states,

secretary of state, and demanding that my redress of

grievances be summitted for a vote in each voting

district within that state.(this is my constitutional

right, amendment 1, amendment 9, amendment 10) For a

period of 20 years, so that every citizen, now alive

will have their constitutional right, to ratify my

petion of grievance. The vote shall be held ever may

1, for the next 20 consecutive years, or they (the

secretary of state) of that state shall be declared in

a state of revolution against the people(the

constitution) and against the United States of

America(the people) and held accountable by the will

of the people. Each and every citizen, holds more

power in his hands than any elected official, after

all they are the servants of the people and shall

abide by the constitution. Hopefully , you

will vote on may 1 , 2004 in your own district and

state. This petion( The United

Republic Branch of Democracy) will be published, in

any newspaper that will print it and has been sent to

my secretary of state(missouri),my governor as well as

submmitted to my (2) state senators, and my district

representative, in the house of representatives.But

until then, the dead line for voting, is may 1, 2004,

and in order to catalog your vote, as a legitimate

vote, i must ask you for some personal information,

but hopefully not to personal as to prevent you from

voting. What i need is your - first, middle, and last

name plus your county & state& zip code. This

information is needed so congress can tally the votes,

as legitimate. The votes will be stored on cd's,

counted, and delivered to congress after may 1, 2004.

Vote by computer, send

your vote to polaris@socket.net with, THE UNITED

REPUBLIC BRANCH OF DEMOCRACY, in the subject box, and

your yes vote, no vote etc., in the message box. Thank

you: P.S.

If it doesn't pass this time, the next voting dead

line will be may 1, 2005,etc., until it does pass, and

ratification of my redress of grievances is

completed. This petion(The United

Republic Branch of Democracy) will be published in any

newspaper that will print it and has been sent to my

secretary of state(missouri),my governor,(missouri) as

well as submitted to my 2 state senators and my

district representative. by doing this i have made it

part of the public record and it shall be carried out,

if i am either alive or dead.

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