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Date Posted: 19:09:30 05/02/03 Fri
Author: The Declaration of The United Republic Branch of Democracy
Subject: constistutional rights

I, Ronald F. Dowell, here petion the government(the people)(amendment #1) for ratification,(amendment #9, & #10) of my redress of grievances,(The United Republic branch of Democracy). And do here declare, that upon ratification, of The United Republic Branch of Democracy(my petion), by a majority vote of the people, (2/3 of registered, legitimate voters)voting, The United Republic Branch of Democracy, shall adorn the United States of America's constitution and shall be law. At this time all branches of government,( including the presidency) of The United States of America, shall be subjugated to The United Republic Branch of Democracy. Also on this date, May 1, 2003, I hereby declare that the Congress and the President, of The United States of America,as well the judicial branch, are in a state of revolution against the people (The Constitution) and the United States of America (the people) and I hereby state that all laws, rules, and regulations, that they have declared to be (against the constitution) null and void. I also hereby state that any debt, that has been aquired by the government (Congress and the President)(against the constitution)(article #1, section #8, amendment #14, section #4) to be null and void ( the only debts, that they can make are those that can be paid for, by the taxes, that they have already in force, they can not borrow, any more money in one year,than they can pay for, with the taxes, collected that year)( only with a declaration of war, from the congress,(amendment #14, section #4) can the debt build to a higher amount, than can be paid for, by the taxes, all ready in effect) and at the end of the war, the debt,has got to be paid off, before any more money, can be borrowed. The only recourse of the debtors is to be against the persons (or their families) who aquired the debt. The people of The United States of America are in no way, shape, or form, libel for the debt(against the constitution) what so ever. I also state here on may 1, 2003 that it is the duty, of The United States of America's Military, the National Guard, and the States Militias duty, to inforce the laws of the constitution, of the United States of America (amendment #14, section #3) or they themselves shall be declared in a state of revolution, against the people, of The United States of America,as well and shall be judged accordingly by the will of the people of the United States of America. I would also like to state here that they(the congress) can not declare war, unless they(The United States of America) is attacted,by an aggressor.(amendment #14, section #4) All taxes collected, from the people, have got to be spent within the United States of America to benefit the the american people, giving tax money to any foreign power is insurrection. (invading other countries,foreign aid,etc., (unconstitutional)(article #1, section 8) The Republic Branch of Democracy shall be, of the people, by the people, and for the people, of The United States of America. The supreme power (chief executive), within The Republic Branch of Democracy, shall be the majority vote, of the people, of The United States of America. All laws, rules, regulations, etc., (or any piece their of) that effects the people,of The United States of America or their country, The United States of America,coming from any subordinate, branch of government,( including the presidency) of The United States of America, shall not be, (or any piece their of), unless submitted to,The Republic Branch of Democracy and approved by, a majority (50.0000000000000001%) vote, of the people, of the United States of America, that are voting. All laws, rules, regulations, etc., (or any piece their of) now on the books, of any subordinate, branch of government,(including the presidency) of the United States of America shall be submitted to The United Republic Branch of Democracy and approved by, or permanently vetoed by, a majority vote of the people, of The United States of America. All votes submitted to, The United Republic Branch of Democracy, by the people of The United States of America, shall be of a public nature, and shall be published, by The United Republic Branch of Democracy, along with, what is being voted on, and the disposition of the vote. (pass/fail) It will be the responsibility of all voters to check, the published results, and make sure their vote is recorded correctly. It will also be the voters responsiblity to make sure that the votes from their district is correct. If there is 100 legal registered voters in the district, there should be no more than 100 votes from that district. Any voter fraud, of any type, shall be dealt with harrshly, upto and including death(want #1), if that is the will of the people. The registered voters of The United States of America can submit, to The United Republic Branch of Democracy, what they want, or do not want, in their lives, or country, of The United States of America and every month, 5, of the most requested, wants, will be delivered to, the president, the congress,(the senate and the house of representatives) and they (the senate and house of representatives) shall pursue these wants with the utmost vigor,and shall have ways and means to accomplish these wants, ready to be voted on once a year, by the people, of The United States of America. Every year, the people, of the United States of America, shall have one week off work, to decide the destiny, of The United States of America, and their lives. With in that week, the people, shall decide, and vote, on the issues before them, presented to them, by, The United Republic Branch of Democracy, and from, the congress, of The United States of America. The president and the congress, of the United States of America, shall carry out the will of the people, of The United States of America, presented to them, by The United Republic Branch of Democracy. Only in the event of war,(attacted by an agressor) shall the president and the congress of The United States of America take control of the government, and that shall be limited to 45 days(time for the congress and the president, to present legislation, to The United Republic Branch of Democracy, and The United Republic Branch of Democracy to present, the legislation, to the people, of the United States of America, and with the results of the vote, returned to same. The registered voters, of the United states of America, shall decide, which path the United states of America will follow. The United Republic Branch of Democracy, is not amending nor compromising the constituion of The United States of America it is merely adorning it. It gives The United States of America a true democracy, times change and governments must change with them or they die. This has been shown over and over again in the history of the world. The type of government, we now have is basically, the same type of government, that the romans had many hundreds of years ago. Now, however, we no longer have to submit to such an archaic form of government, the invention of the computer, has finally given the people a way to govern themselves and govern themselves they shall. All votes summitted to,The United Republic Branch of Democracy, shall be submitted over a secure internet line. Their shall be no secrets within, The United Republic Branch of Democracy or within its subordinate branchs of government,(including the presidency) of The United States of America.( unless constitutional)
All laws coming, from the congress, and president, shall be constituional, before they are presended to The United Republic Branch of Democracy.
All of the supreme court judges now in office shall be disbarred for they surely do not know constitutional law.(want #2) All new supreme court judges appointed by a new president(who knows constitutional law) shall have a term of no more than 4 years and shall only be able to serve 2 terms.(want #3) All cases presented to the supreme court (involving constitutional law) shall be reviewed.(want #4)
Any thing stated here that is unconstitutional shall be null and void. This disclaimer is not only for me, but for those who do not know and are afraid to vote. Any one who votes, for my redress of grievances,(The Republic Branch of America) shall not be held libel in any way, shape or form. I alone take full responsiblity for what is done and said here, This is my understanding of the constitution, but i am nothing more than a common man. If this is your understanding of the constitution, of The United States Of America, as well, vote yes, for ratification of my petion of redress of grievances, and if it is not than vote no, because ratification, of my petition, rests, on the number of registered voters, voting. (if i am the only one voting, and i vote yes, than the 2/3 majority vote has meet its requirement, and shall be the law. Vote it is your right, as stated in the constitution,(amendment #9, #10, #15, #19,etc.) of The United States of America, for The United Republic Branch of Democracy. I also state here that the states of The United States of America have one year to prepare for this ratification vote, they shall be ready, for the vote, on may 1, 2004.(amendment #9,#10)
It is obvious that we can no longer trust our government, they have broken the public faith of the people over and over again. They have forgotten which one is the servant. They have lost touch with reality, and what it is to live within their means. It is the government, who blatantly breaks the laws, of the constitution, of The United States Of America, thus they have lost their chance to rule. If they no longer follow the rules of the constitution, than they are no longer our government,and the people have no choice but to rule themselves.
Also from what is stated above,it should be self evident, that no person can represent, any other person, the only person who can represent you, is you.
Here we are taking a two party system and turning it into a 200 million plus party system.
It should also be self evident that 200 million plus brains are better than the number of brains in the entire government.
The vote, on this petition(The United Republic Branch of Democracy shall be public in nature and the results published,(so the voter can check to make sure their vote was registered correctly, and that their are no more votes from their distric than their are registered voters) their shall be no voter fraud, in the ratification of this petion of redress of grievances.

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