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Subject: *A vixenmaid sits in the jury, basically three long logs placed in a row and padded with moss.* "Aye be fair t'them mates, I'll be a jury memba, if'n 'tis alright wid the judge. Fol?" *She pulls out a raven feather quill and a scrap of strawberry-stained parchment and waits to write things down.*

Valnire th' Warriormaid
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Date Posted: 09:53:06 06/20/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: dhcp065-024-023-013.columbus.rr.com/
In reply to: Folgrim 's message, "*Folgrim looks around and stands royaly in the center of a field in a new drab brown/green coat, she has a grim look on her face* Anoy mates, Tangle too if yer not that busy, but i belive in a fair trial, and well this Funnbarr/glogalog is being a maggot on the quest board, so maybe we should have a little trial here eh?*Folgrim sits down at a chair and looks upon a little open air courthouse she made* COURT HAS TO COME ORDER!" on 09:24:05 06/20/03 Fri

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*sits down as a jury member and pulls out a book, beginning to read* Tell me when you need me. I've missed quite a bit on the quest, but reading what I missed, I agree with you and Swift, Fol. (NT)Harebell09:57:01 06/20/03 Fri
    um yyyyyyeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh I'll be over in the corner if you need me.funnbarr gilldeep09:59:46 06/20/03 Fri

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