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Subject: Quest for Asmodeus's Lair.

Mickle Swiftstrike
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Date Posted: 12:19:24 07/04/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: BV2-

Anyone who wants to go, I think that we'll start from redwall.
Shall we be going?

(OOC: I'm still gonna be gone for a week, so Swift and harebell are in charge till I get back...)

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OOC: oops i thought the quest was on the other board sorry.BIC:Is everyone ready?Alright, let's go!I think Asmodeus was last seen in the northeast direction.*Everyone started heading northeast into the woodlands.*Chirka,stay close by. i think vermin camp out here.............Mattimeo12:54:00 07/04/03 Fri
starts to whistle.Scoff13:02:42 07/04/03 Fri
OOC: Matti, there you go with the carried away business. You just said *Everyone started heading northeast into the woods.* People really don't like it when you decide when and how they're going to move for them. Besides, we haven't even stocked up provisions or anything yet. (NT)Swift13:03:42 07/04/03 Fri
*Folgrim leans upon the battlements* Mates, im staying here this time, maybe wander around the forest a bit and try to find some trouble...Any one with me?Folgrim18:34:12 07/04/03 Fri
OOC:Sorry. would it be better if I'm not even in this quest since im messing it all up?Mattimeo04:07:23 07/05/03 Sat
I'm saying that because normally every quest i do i mess up on something at least onceMattimeo09:53:19 07/05/03 Sat
OOC: Now your over-reacting. If you never do any quest, then you'll never learn. You just need to take a more subtle role, and not leap into the lead all the time. Taking the more subtle approach will allow you to watch everyone else and see how, and how it isn't, done. (NT)Swift10:10:55 07/05/03 Sat
ok i willMattimeo09:13:08 07/06/03 Sun
Brandishes a haversack of provisions. *Well, can we go, already?* (NT)Chirka Silentbreeze o' Naughty Knot14:48:21 07/06/03 Sun
Hey, can I join? I'm a squirrelmaid, I like questing. (NT)Lianali14:51:25 07/06/03 Sun
Wait! I'm almost ready. i just have to pack a couple more strawberrys then I'll be set*Mattimeo shoulders his pack and ties his sheath for his sword on his belt and sheaths his sword.*I'm ready when everyone else is ready!Mattimeo04:47:23 07/07/03 Mon
I'm ready! Readies blowpipe and thorns and bow and arrows. I can live off the land. (NT)Lianali05:42:49 07/07/03 Mon
I'm ready! *Adjusts sling and sword that are thrust through her belt for more conveince. (NT)Chirka Silentbreeze o' Naughty Knot05:44:28 07/07/03 Mon
Say can i join yooou. I'm a squrril and good at fighting (NT)Rawn windrunne06:04:05 07/07/03 Mon
I"m ready. *draws duel throwing knives* (NT)Borgel09:21:45 07/07/03 Mon
Well, let's go!!!!!! (NT)Lianali11:48:57 07/07/03 Mon
We still have to wait for Scoff,Swift and i think Mickle and HarebellMattimeo17:42:31 07/07/03 Mon
*A tall, red-eyed badgermaid comes charging up, but ends up tripping and rolling head-over-tail up to the questors. She stumbles upright, smiling goofily at them.* Ah, hello! I was just passing through, can't have a quest without Flame Eyes ya know! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes20:25:22 07/07/03 Mon
Lauren? I didn't know you were still on this website!Mattimeo07:10:26 07/08/03 Tue
*fol calls out from the battlements* So noone wants to stay eh?or is this just a post where no body listens to me..again..Folgrim09:46:53 07/08/03 Tue
OOC: Of course I'm still here! Do you think I'd just split on DAB all of a sudden? No way! 'Specially since I'm a officer now. (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes10:18:01 07/08/03 Tue
Folgrim,this post is meant for everyone to go to Asmodeus's Lair,not to stay on the walltopsMattimeo11:07:29 07/08/03 Tue
Re: Quest for Asmodeus's Lair.finalblade16:59:27 07/08/03 Tue
ok im a mouse with a wooden sword im new can u help me?finalblade06:05:16 07/09/03 Wed
Can we GO soon? (NT)Lianali and Chirka Silentbreeze11:53:44 07/09/03 Wed
Yeah i know when are we going? I'm getting really impatient.Pretty soon I'M going to go ahead and start the questMattimeo12:21:45 07/09/03 Wed
not without me your not since you won't let me my quest i geuss i will have to come with you then won't i (NT)finalblade06:41:25 07/10/03 Thu
i don't want to fight i just want to no why can there not be 2 ??? well i really want to go on a quest right now ok can we get going ???? (NT)finalblade06:51:18 07/10/03 Thu
Okay, you might not look over the post I did on your quest above, so I'm posting down here as well. When there is more than one quest, it gets insane. Trust Matti, he's been here for a while, and while his RPing still needs a bit of work, he knows what he's talking about with the one quest at a time. It just gets to tough to keep up. Savvy? (NT)Swiftstream Brooktail10:37:47 07/10/03 Thu
* A small shrew with dark blue eyes, dark blue tunic, and brownish-grey fur walks up with a short rapier tucked in his belt, and a haversack full of shrewbread and rasberry cordial speedily walks toward the ever-growing party of adventurers * Wait up! My relatives from the Riverstream shrews just left! May I come, please!Oren23:42:49 07/10/03 Thu
im not the boss well i hope you can i think you can ? (NT)finalblade05:02:34 07/11/03 Fri
Yes you can come.Does any of you know the way to Asmodeus's Lair/Mattimeo06:07:55 07/11/03 Fri
yeah it's at the redwall quarry and i no where it is (NT)finalblade06:42:39 07/11/03 Fri
north-east sah! (NT)finalblade06:45:57 07/11/03 Fri
We're going. You Dibbuns can stay here and talk for years, or you can follow us. *Begin walking northeast.* (NT)Lianali and Chirka Silentbreeze08:06:44 07/11/03 Fri
*A loud, scoffing laugh comes from the wallsteps.* Oi Lianali and Chirka! You won't stand a chance out there, I'm afraid. You see, you've both neglected to grab supplies and weaponry. As it stands, you two are just strollin' out into the wilderness completely unprepared. *He looks around.* Since I'm the only one here who's had experience leading a quest, I guess I'll take charge until Mickle shows up. Righto. Everybeast, head to the orchards and grab as much food as you can, then, grab yore equipment. Meet me back here and we'll go. (NT)Swiftstream Brooktail10:01:10 07/11/03 Fri
Ya know, Swift's right.Oren10:57:09 07/11/03 Fri
I've Packed food,I have my Sword and bow,And i also have a backpack full of usefull things so i think im ready to goMattimeo16:26:35 07/11/03 Fri
OOC: Finalblade, learn how to spell. (NT)Borgel19:21:19 07/11/03 Fri
OOC: I'm back everyone. BIC: **Mickle skips out the eastern wallgate and looks over his shoulder.** well, what are we waitin for, mates? lets be goin'!Mickle13:28:55 07/12/03 Sat
brogel shut up sorry well im coming i have lots of food and my shield and sword im coming wait up i no where it is (NT)finalblade14:01:46 07/12/03 Sat
*starts walking northeast lalalaladededededumdumdum soo you guys coming *starts marching away and huming*well its a peace full day woudin't you say * takes out sword and swings it playfully lalala de dum hmmm now are YOU GUYS COMING????????? (NT)finalblade14:11:22 07/12/03 Sat
OOC:Geez Finalblade calm down! yes we are coming it takes a while for other people to reply to messages!BIC: Mattimeo is in the back of the group,walking while twirling his bladeMattimeo17:16:02 07/12/03 Sat
OOC: Finalblade, I am not fluent in Idiotian. And, type OOC things in OOC, or brackets. (NT)Borgel19:31:14 07/12/03 Sat
Wait a second! I wanna go back and watch with Fol! She needs assistance. See ya when ya get back! * the shrew speads off back toward the abbey *Oren20:59:19 07/12/03 Sat
ok ok ok i will wait im going to up there and make camp see you and tell brogel that he can make hes own stufff hmf (NT)finalblade08:26:02 07/13/03 Sun
*An otter stalks silently behind the main group, his fur is a swirl of greys and blacks, which look alot like a angry storm cloud. Draped on his sides are 2 haversacks one full of food the other full of gear. Juska clan tattoos are shown and a few strange ones on his arms and legs. He holds a bow with a ready set arrow and a long dagger hangs off his belt. He watches the group, unnoticed*Stormdog09:27:15 07/13/03 Sun
ekk guys there is a scary otter he kindy looks like folgrim (NT)finalblade09:41:37 07/13/03 Sun
OOC: Finalblade, what'd I tell you on the Tapestry board? Separate your sentences, please, other wise it's really really difficult to understand. I have another thing to say as well. Please stop using modern slang, such as "guys." In Redwall, do you ever see a character say "Hey guys?" A good rule of thumb is, if it's not in Redwall, don't use it. (NT)Swift11:45:02 07/13/03 Sun
**Mickle walks over to the strangely tattooed otter.** well, ye look like a vermin, but I can tell that ye're an otter. so, do ye want to come with us to Asmodeus's lair?Mickle13:05:50 07/13/03 Sun
OOC: Oh good, you're back Mickle. We're setting off from shrew island on the Tapestry quest. BIC: *Swift walks up and stares at the odd otter.* Yeah, this'n's got the markin's of vermin, but I don' think he's up to anythin' bad. Well, 'ceptin' that set arrow in his bow. *Swift's paw strays behind his back.* You friend or foe? (NT)Swift13:14:28 07/13/03 Sun
He looks like a friend .Mattimeo17:19:31 07/13/03 Sun
well, friend, are you gonna answer us, or are you just gonna stand there silent like?Mickle20:52:23 07/13/03 Sun
mates i think its a statue*walks right up in front of him*matti hes got a arrow to my chest help heehee*walks behind him and looks in his pack *got some good stuff in here matti mickel umm is he alright must be def or can't talk??? (NT)finalblade06:11:16 07/14/03 Mon
Chirka and Lianali pick up knapsacks that are hidden in bushes. They put them on and stroll over to the otter. C: Hello? Hellooo? Otter person? Are you okay? L: Waves paw in front of otters face. Detects no response. *Wierd otter.* (NT)Chirka Silentbreeze and Lianali06:32:25 07/14/03 Mon
INSIDE, pleaseStormdog06:36:34 07/14/03 Mon
*Stormdog quickly grabs a arrow from a quiver on his back and smacks Lianalis paws away with the feathered end of a arrow, he scribbles more* keep them away from meStormdog06:44:48 07/14/03 Mon
yes sah *walks in front of the stange otter and says*no one come close sah yes sah whatever you say sah (NT)finalblade07:00:45 07/14/03 Mon
its a bit dirty down here *lies down and looks relaxed*so stormy why did you cut your tongue out *starts rubbing his nose *and why the heck did you punch me mate i didin't no you had cut your own tongue out*but it is a bit dirty down here*and mocking you i have to heard of it and im no stupid vermin your the one who looks like vermin *looks at the strange otter*so can you let me up mate or im going to have to cut that foot of to! (NT)finalblade07:23:07 07/14/03 Mon
*Stormdog quicky writes* My old clan cut my tounge out, and best if you stop mocking me, you are nought but a wee mate, and i am a older otter*He increases pressure on finalblades back, keeping him pinned*( I hit you on the back of the head you fool! read the message carefully)Stormdog08:21:26 07/14/03 Mon
Mattimeo sat down at the camp next to Stormdog.*Did you run away from your clan or something?*Mattimeo09:05:39 07/14/03 Mon
*Stormdog looks over at Mattimeo and writes* Yes, the rebeled at the way i ran the clan in the north, they wanted away from the sea i wanted to stay, that and other things, Ive been running from them for 2 seasons but i they went back i belive.Stormdog09:21:36 07/14/03 Mon
OOC: We haven't even left the abbey yet. BIC: *Swiftstream looks down at Finalblade.* Wanna know why he hit you? You were being stupid and annoying. Y'don't come running up to some beast and start messin' with his stuff. *The large otter stares at Stormdog.* Though as for this one leadin' a Juska clan in the north, I think that's a bit far fetched. Oh well, if he wants to join us on this mission, let's let him. (NT)Swift10:39:55 07/14/03 Mon
*Stormdog eyes Swift, then scribbles* I killed the leader when his back was turned.Then for about three seasons i was leader then, they rebeledStormdog10:48:20 07/14/03 Mon
*Swift stares cooly back at the other tattooed otter.* Look mate, I don't need yore life story. I've ran into my fair share o' tough beasts, and I don't need ye to try and intimidate me. I meself spent five seasons prowlin' around Mossflower in an insane rage while killin' anythin' that seemed like a threat. But now I'm goin' on about my life story. Let's just move out. *Swift checks his haversack, makes sure he has all of his weapons, and let's himself out of the North Wallgate.* (NT)Swift10:55:20 07/14/03 Mon
OOC: Swift, we left out the eastern wallgate before Stormdog arrived. BIC: **Mickle hangs back to speak with Stormdog as the others march on.** listen mate. I understand that back with the Juska, ye probably needed to intimidate everyone to stay alive, but we aren't like that. we don't fight amongst ourselves. Got it? **Mickle grins at Stormdog.** I'm sure that ye're gonna be a great help on this quest, mate. now lets get going or else we're gonna be left behind! **The ferret and the otter jog off to catch up with the others.**Mickle12:05:09 07/14/03 Mon
OOC: Seeing as we're DIBBUNS, why does this matter? (NT)Borgel12:18:20 07/14/03 Mon
*Stormdog eyes Swift and Mickle, and scratches onto the slate* Intimidate you no, show beasts like Finalblade here my hot temper yes, The old leader cut my tounge out because i knew something, that and for selling secrets. He cut my tounge out and burned my paws..but that is past, wounds have healed, but a sickness in me when things get going or the moonfulls, i go buzerk.Stormdog12:43:58 07/14/03 Mon
*finalblade gets up and looks around and start walking he sees the otter and says* so short temper ok i should remember so mate hows things i think i have a thick head that hardly hurt good thing to now lets get up with the others*smiles *so are we friends?? (NT)finalblade13:21:21 07/14/03 Mon
'Possibly' (I am going to start putting things I write in " ''s " ok)Stormdog13:31:04 07/14/03 Mon
ok mate sorry bout that back there got a little carried away you do not want to be here when im totaly carried away i would be dead if you where there heehee soo *looks up at the otter*do they let young uns do kingy stuff after all i am a dibbun aren't we all?? *looks around confused* (NT)finalblade13:44:20 07/14/03 Mon
Alright everyone! let's get going now*Mattimeo shoulders his packMattimeo15:53:52 07/14/03 Mon
ooc: Finalblade, please, please, please use periods, commas, and other punctuation marks.Mickle19:42:47 07/14/03 Mon
Why? o well lest get going*smiles*starts walking along side stormdog* (NT)finalblade08:32:37 07/15/03 Tue
*lets (NT)finalblade09:20:48 07/15/03 Tue
May I go with ye? (NT)Swiftwater09:22:19 07/15/03 Tue
OOC:Well Swiftwater,we already left Redwall so i'm not sure,what i would do is ask Mickle or Swiftstream BIC: Mattimeo is walking the suddenly stops*Sshhh!! I think I heard something.it sounded like someone else is following us!Mattimeo09:36:23 07/15/03 Tue
*a small gray-furred churchmouse pops out of the bushes* Hey mateys!!! Can I come too? (NT)Brian12:30:49 07/15/03 Tue
Well? Can I come? Pleeeeeez? (NT)Brian12:26:08 07/16/03 Wed
Okay thats it you guys I am just going back home since you dont want me here *turns around and walks back toward the Abbey* (NT)Brian09:37:27 07/17/03 Thu

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