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Subject: We're going. You Dibbuns can stay here and talk for years, or you can follow us. *Begin walking northeast.*

Lianali and Chirka Silentbreeze
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Date Posted: 08:06:44 07/11/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: dsl-216-177-27-228.ttlc.net/
In reply to: Mickle Swiftstrike 's message, "Quest for Asmodeus's Lair." on 12:19:24 07/04/03 Fri

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*A loud, scoffing laugh comes from the wallsteps.* Oi Lianali and Chirka! You won't stand a chance out there, I'm afraid. You see, you've both neglected to grab supplies and weaponry. As it stands, you two are just strollin' out into the wilderness completely unprepared. *He looks around.* Since I'm the only one here who's had experience leading a quest, I guess I'll take charge until Mickle shows up. Righto. Everybeast, head to the orchards and grab as much food as you can, then, grab yore equipment. Meet me back here and we'll go. (NT)Swiftstream Brooktail10:01:10 07/11/03 Fri
    OOC: Righto, I made a mistake. You two have grabbed weaponry. I apologize for saying you hadn't. However, you still need to get supplies, such as flint and tinder, ropes, since we're going to the quarry and there might be steep cliffs we need to ascend/descend. You two are being very brash in thinking you can both go tearing off into the woodlands on your own. (NT)Swiftstream Brooktail10:05:22 07/11/03 Fri

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