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Subject: *Folgrim leans upon the battlements* Aye! Mates! Any beast who wants to 'elp watch over the Abbey while the other mates are questing for Asmodeus's lair, Is anybody with me?

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Date Posted: 13:26:30 07/12/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: ip-208-20-95-237.modem.logical.net/

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**Another otter springs up** Can I? I'll stay. I don't really like serpints, and there might be more inhabiting that old quarry. (NT)Pearl Streamsong07:33:51 07/13/03 Sun
yeh, sure mate, i just dont feel like getting more angry at the fighting down there already (NT)Folgrim09:29:03 07/13/03 Sun
* A tiny shrew walks up the battlements * I ditched the other questors. You need more help! This shrew is at your command! (NT)Oren09:32:38 07/13/03 Sun
*A bored-looking wildcat arrives, leaping along the battlements* Can I help too? Snakes make me nervous, an I betcha some rats or sumthin will try to attack while the others are gone. (NT)Amber Merida15:18:44 07/13/03 Sun
*A pink eyes mousemaid walks over to Folgrim* Hey, mate! Well, I'll help cuz the questors left awhile ago and I would have really liked to go with em. But I'll stay 'n defend here since I can't go. (NT)Rotin06:59:32 07/14/03 Mon
OOC: it's supposed to be eyed not eyes (NT)Rotin07:01:42 07/14/03 Mon
Hahar, nice to see that you mates showed up....Borgel and that finalblade are fighting, im not even in that post and its getting me mad, hahaha...well, they'll be without armor, cept the ones that have stuff already....best get projectiles up here, cause unless they find a way into the abbey or climb the walls there will prolly be no paw to paw fighting, unless... (NT)Folgrim08:15:07 07/14/03 Mon
Y'know, I'm not quite sure what a "finalblade" is. *yawns* Anyway, I think it might be smart to start bringing big rocks up here for throwing down. Rocks are projektiles, right? (NT)Amber Merida08:53:18 07/14/03 Mon
yup, anything that ya can throw or push down on them....im thinking about geting some big pots of boiling tar up here..haha (NT)Folgrim09:17:19 07/14/03 Mon
If you get tar, then Im gonna steal alla the infirmary pillows to make em all feathery! How abowt nettle soup too? (NT)Amber Merida09:28:56 07/14/03 Mon
*A tall, red-eyed badgermaid comes hurtling up the stairs.* I'm stickin' with you lot! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes09:41:07 07/14/03 Mon
Look how many we got here! Did anybody go questin', or is everyone here? (NT)Amber Merida09:44:17 07/14/03 Mon
Hey, Lauren! Can't avoid me! I'm here too. I'm at your Lakewood Country, your assisstant Medic, now, I'm gonna be here, too! Can't avoid me! **Gets a little more serious** Hey... why don't we set up a healers tent or somrthing, because you know as soon as some vermin army comes marching up, somebeasts are going to get hurt. (NT)Brockrose10:01:33 07/14/03 Mon
*Lauren's ears perk up.* Chipper idea! *She runs back down the stairs.* Come on Brocky, up an at it! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes10:50:05 07/14/03 Mon
*Fol chuckles* Nice to see ya here, Any moles around to make some tunnels? (NT)Folgrim12:36:43 07/14/03 Mon
*A lithe reddish vixenmaid whirls her sling and stands alongside Folgrim.* "Anyway Ah kin be o' service, mate?" (NT)Valnire th' Warriormaid13:53:59 07/14/03 Mon
*Lauren jumps over the last three steps in one big leap. She lands on her footpaws on the ground.* Heheh! That's right! Brocky and Firey Optics, the two striped terrors! Come on, we'll raid the infirmery for supplies and blankets! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes (Firey Optics)15:07:54 07/14/03 Mon
*shrugs* Well, I guess I'd better get some food outa the kitchens. We might be up here a while if theres any vermin attacks. While I'm there, maybe I should make some 'unnymoles (with hotroot pepper on top)! (NT)Amber Merida15:18:09 07/14/03 Mon
Ya know, Fol, somehow Finalblade reminds me of Funnbarr and Glogalog... Amber, grab some shrewbread while yore in the kitchens, please. (NT)Oren17:21:57 07/14/03 Mon
We've got almost every beast but a mole...wow I never realized that DAB doesn't really have that many moles that are active. (NT)Rotin17:41:52 07/14/03 Mon
yeh, i know Oren, weird, i should check their Ip numbers..Not much but to wait..Food would be nice*chuckles* Not many moles i guess the accent is too hard or something. (NT)Folgrim18:01:38 07/14/03 Mon
It's true you don't see many shrews around either. * sigh * Mebbe we argue too much. Actually, I don't argue. (NT)Oren21:51:19 07/14/03 Mon
*drags huge cart loaded with food up the wallsteps* Hi everybody! Sorry, no shrewbread. I did bring up strawberry fizz though. Hey, maybe if we made a deeper 'n ever turnip'n'tater'n'beetroot pie we could lure some moles up here. (NT)Amber Merida08:37:24 07/15/03 Tue
**Brockrose waddles up, overladen with blankets. Putting them down, she calls Firey Optics** Firey! I got some blankets from another late-night raid from who knows when. If we can dust them off, they'll be perfectly fine. There are some more in the closet where I found them, come look! (NT)Brockrose09:03:19 07/15/03 Tue
That looks like enough blankets to me, maybe now you could bring up rocks or other stuff for throwing? (NT)Amber Merida09:15:05 07/15/03 Tue
*Lauren stumbles up, an emense satchel upon her back. She chuckles as she tips precariously over to Brocky.* Heheh! I raided the infirmery for supplies! Hehe! *When she comes upon the blankets, she sneezes loudly.* Dusty is right! They're perfect though. Let's set up the tent in the orchard! I like the orchard, there's food there! Good idea, eh Brocky? Hehee! We're the two striped terrors we are! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes (Firey Optics)13:37:54 07/15/03 Tue
*A squirel strides up* May I help? I can bake some blackrasberry pies for the wall guards. Oh and you might have trouble getting moles up here cause I don't know many moles that like heights. (NT)Maplefur10:15:47 07/16/03 Wed
* Starts fiddling with sling * Hmm... When is there gonna be food? (NT)Oren10:26:17 07/16/03 Wed
OOC: I checked, Funbarr, Glogalog and Fialablade's IP adresses and they are not the same. I didn't see the conflict with Funbarr and Glogalog but it sounded bad so let's hope it doesn't happen again with Finalblade. (NT)Maplefur10:32:55 07/16/03 Wed
*a molemaid carrying a bow as tall as she is runs up the stairs, trips, and lands at Maplefur's feet* 'Ello there! Moi name be Tunnelroser an oi am NOT ascurred of hoights. Or vurmin. C'n oi help guard too? OOC: Im new to molespeech so if I mess up, please tell me (NT)Tunnelrose12:22:18 07/16/03 Wed
Hello Tunnelrose! *smiles* I've never met a mole with a bow before. Isn't it a little large for you? (NT)Amber Merida the bored and lonely wildcat13:09:26 07/16/03 Wed
*scowls fiercely* Amber, if'n you tease this moler she will leave! (NT)Tunnelrose13:12:15 07/16/03 Wed
yer doin' fine mate..tis nice to see this much of a turn out.haha. (NT)Folgrim18:37:25 07/16/03 Wed
Hullo, Tunnelrose! Nice ter meetcha. Yeah, we got ourselves a boatload o' peeps here! (NT)Rotin19:24:51 07/16/03 Wed
*Lauren blinks at her.* Or we could just drop them from the walltops. I think that'd be easier. OOC: Hehe! Yeah! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes (Firey Optics)20:50:57 07/16/03 Wed
Huh? * Look over walltop * (NT)Oren23:37:54 07/16/03 Wed
*looks down from the battlements* What? I dont see nothin' down there Oren (NT)Amber Merida09:30:18 07/17/03 Thu
OOC: Amber Merida could you please look inside...Rotin09:45:10 07/17/03 Thu
I know, I didn't see anything either. I thought I heard someone, but it was really just a dragonfly. (NT)Oren10:45:04 07/17/03 Thu
OOC: As far as I can tell you are doing just fine with molespeech! I think vermin is varmints though but I'm probably wrong. (NT)Maplefur18:23:41 07/17/03 Thu
Suddenly a hare comes up to the battlements. Below and angry looking Friar Butty is yelling at the hare,"Stop stealing from my kitchens!" "Fine... Hello my good friends, gaurdin` the battlemets eh? Well I`ll join too, wot wot! (NT)Hawkeye Bigmouth Longears14:58:35 07/26/03 Sat
OOC: I dont think anyone is guarding the walls anymore. Most of us are on a "Quest for the Western Plain" and you're welcome to join us. By the way, its a good idea to put some of those star-shaped things around your actions like this *Amber rolls her eyes at the hare while she explains where everyone is* (NT)Amber Merida the wildcat08:46:20 07/28/03 Mon
*A ferret dressed in dark grey robes sets up a tent near the orchards* I'm going to cook. *Lights a fire that has a bubbling cauldron of soup over it* I'll take requests. (NT)Conder11:32:11 07/30/03 Wed
Re: *Folgrim leans upon the battlements* Aye! Mates! Any beast who wants to 'elp watch over the Abbey while the other mates are questing for Asmodeus's lair, Is anybody with me?Sandgall19:54:12 09/17/03 Wed

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