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Subject: That looks like enough blankets to me, maybe now you could bring up rocks or other stuff for throwing?

Amber Merida
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Date Posted: 09:15:05 07/15/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: c68.187.99.66.ona.wi.charter.com/
In reply to: Folgrim 's message, "*Folgrim leans upon the battlements* Aye! Mates! Any beast who wants to 'elp watch over the Abbey while the other mates are questing for Asmodeus's lair, Is anybody with me?" on 13:26:30 07/12/03 Sat

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*Lauren stumbles up, an emense satchel upon her back. She chuckles as she tips precariously over to Brocky.* Heheh! I raided the infirmery for supplies! Hehe! *When she comes upon the blankets, she sneezes loudly.* Dusty is right! They're perfect though. Let's set up the tent in the orchard! I like the orchard, there's food there! Good idea, eh Brocky? Hehee! We're the two striped terrors we are! (NT)Lauren Flame Eyes (Firey Optics)13:37:54 07/15/03 Tue
    OOC- Yes, and we both have red parts to our heads. Hotheads! BIC- **Brockrose marches off with the rest of the supplies. Upon reaching the orchard, she uses the three largest Blankets to make a shaded pavilion between branches.** Lets shake the rest of these by climbing up and beating them over the ground. (NT)Brockrose (Brocky)15:27:45 07/15/03 Tue

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