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Subject: INSIDE, please

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Date Posted: 06:36:34 07/14/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: ip-208-20-95-118.modem.logical.net/
In reply to: Mickle Swiftstrike 's message, "Quest for Asmodeus's Lair." on 12:19:24 07/04/03 Fri

The otter spins around and a rock like fist knocks finalblade on the back on the head to the ground, he spins back to the rest and opens his jaw to show where a tounge was to be, he drops his bow and pulls out a peice of slate and lime stone, he scribbles* I am Stormdog, old leader of juska of north, clan rebeled, cut my tounge out, i come here in peace, unless that scum touches me or mocks me again*gestures to finalblade with Stormdogs footpaw keeping him down, he wipes the slate on his kilt, and scribbles more* Snakes are still in the pit, many snakes*He pulls out a folded snake skin and passes it to Swift* That was a hard kill, even with a bow, best snipe if wanting to invade their land and enjoying life*He wipes the board again*

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*Stormdog quickly grabs a arrow from a quiver on his back and smacks Lianalis paws away with the feathered end of a arrow, he scribbles more* keep them away from meStormdog06:44:48 07/14/03 Mon

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