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Date Posted: 14:03:17 03/28/05 Mon
Author: Steve Rubin
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ad01.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Pack 281
In reply to: Cory Abbott 's message, "Pack 281" on 13:20:34 12/26/01 Wed

I was in pack 281 were always number 1......I think Mr. Rosenhaus was cubmaster and I remember Sherman Becker.....Cant believe the troop is still around. I dont remember the kids I was with, but I do know I had fun!

Steve Rubin

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[> [> Re: Pack 281 -- Ken Koswener, 20:48:47 04/17/05 Sun (ip240.197.susc.suscom.net/

I was in 281 when it was on Rutland Road in the 1960. When Mr. (Larry) Rosenhaus moved to Canarsie, he moved the charter for the pack with him, but not the troop.

I am not sure of who came after Mr. Rosenhaus, but third cubmaster was Mr. Lieberman, and currently it is Mr. Adrian. My family is still involved with 281 and, while it had some hosting problems this year, it is still going strong. It is a one of a kind story.


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[> [> [> Re: Pack 281 -- melissa ( Larry rosenhaus granddaughter) (GLad someone remembers my family), 08:13:35 05/29/09 Fri (cpe-74-64-113-254.nyc.res.rr.com/

Iam Larry Rosenhaus grandaughter Melissa ( Ken I think i used to babysat your two little boys). So My grandfather passed on a long time ago. My Uncle Morty I think at one point took over and now he long gone to. My cousins Todd and Stu I think still have all of pack 281 stuff. My dad Jay rosenhaus was also part of the pack.( he passed away of Oct 07) so I am trying to put a small notebook of stories for all the grandkids. if anyone has a found memory that would love to give me or either larry, morty, jay, steven, todd,stu that would be great. you can email me at mjr266971@aol.com or contact me at melissarosenhaus-braverman on facebook

>I was in 281 when it was on Rutland Road in the 1960.
>When Mr. (Larry) Rosenhaus moved to Canarsie, he moved
>the charter for the pack with him, but not the troop.
>I am not sure of who came after Mr. Rosenhaus, but
>third cubmaster was Mr. Lieberman, and currently it is
>Mr. Adrian. My family is still involved with 281 and,
>while it had some hosting problems this year, it is
>still going strong. It is a one of a kind story.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Pack 281 -- Lawrence Bernstein, 15:33:40 04/23/10 Fri (cpe-24-193-95-141.nyc.res.rr.com/

I Took over Cub Pack 281 from Mr. Leiberman. I was Cub Master with Adrian Coard for 10 years @ PS 115. I have many fond memories from our annual auction @ The Midgit Squadron Yacht Club, annual 2 night trips staying at Military Bases in Virginia, Washington, Boston among others. We had great times going to Ellis Island, Harlem Globtrotters, overnight sleeping on a WWII submarine. Great times were had by all.

>Iam Larry Rosenhaus grandaughter Melissa ( Ken I think
>i used to babysat your two little boys). So My
>grandfather passed on a long time ago. My Uncle Morty
> I think at one point took over and now he long gone
>to. My cousins Todd and Stu I think still have all of
>pack 281 stuff. My dad Jay rosenhaus was also part of
>the pack.( he passed away of Oct 07) so I am trying to
>put a small notebook of stories for all the
>grandkids. if anyone has a found memory that would
>love to give me or either larry, morty, jay, steven,
>todd,stu that would be great. you can email me at
>mjr266971@aol.com or contact me at
>melissarosenhaus-braverman on facebook
>>I was in 281 when it was on Rutland Road in the 1960.
>>When Mr. (Larry) Rosenhaus moved to Canarsie, he moved
>>the charter for the pack with him, but not the troop.
>>I am not sure of who came after Mr. Rosenhaus, but
>>third cubmaster was Mr. Lieberman, and currently it is
>>Mr. Adrian. My family is still involved with 281 and,
>>while it had some hosting problems this year, it is
>>still going strong. It is a one of a kind story.

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