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Re: Pack 281 -- melissa ( Larry rosenhaus granddaughter) (GLad someone remembers my family), 08:13:35 05/29/09 Fri (
Iam Larry Rosenhaus grandaughter Melissa ( Ken I think i used to babysat your two little boys). So My grandfather passed on a long time ago. My Uncle Morty I think at one point took over and now he long gone to. My cousins Todd and Stu I think still have all of pack 281 stuff. My dad Jay rosenhaus was also part of the pack.( he passed away of Oct 07) so I am trying to put a small notebook of stories for all the grandkids. if anyone has a found memory that would love to give me or either larry, morty, jay, steven, todd,stu that would be great. you can email me at or contact me at melissarosenhaus-braverman on facebook
>I was in 281 when it was on Rutland Road in the 1960.
>When Mr. (Larry) Rosenhaus moved to Canarsie, he moved
>the charter for the pack with him, but not the troop.
>I am not sure of who came after Mr. Rosenhaus, but
>third cubmaster was Mr. Lieberman, and currently it is
>Mr. Adrian. My family is still involved with 281 and,
>while it had some hosting problems this year, it is
>still going strong. It is a one of a kind story.
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Re: Pack 281 -- Lawrence Bernstein, 15:33:40 04/23/10 Fri (
I Took over Cub Pack 281 from Mr. Leiberman. I was Cub Master with Adrian Coard for 10 years @ PS 115. I have many fond memories from our annual auction @ The Midgit Squadron Yacht Club, annual 2 night trips staying at Military Bases in Virginia, Washington, Boston among others. We had great times going to Ellis Island, Harlem Globtrotters, overnight sleeping on a WWII submarine. Great times were had by all.
>Iam Larry Rosenhaus grandaughter Melissa ( Ken I think
>i used to babysat your two little boys). So My
>grandfather passed on a long time ago. My Uncle Morty
> I think at one point took over and now he long gone
>to. My cousins Todd and Stu I think still have all of
>pack 281 stuff. My dad Jay rosenhaus was also part of
>the pack.( he passed away of Oct 07) so I am trying to
>put a small notebook of stories for all the
>grandkids. if anyone has a found memory that would
>love to give me or either larry, morty, jay, steven,
>todd,stu that would be great. you can email me at
> or contact me at
>melissarosenhaus-braverman on facebook
>>I was in 281 when it was on Rutland Road in the 1960.
>>When Mr. (Larry) Rosenhaus moved to Canarsie, he moved
>>the charter for the pack with him, but not the troop.
>>I am not sure of who came after Mr. Rosenhaus, but
>>third cubmaster was Mr. Lieberman, and currently it is
>>Mr. Adrian. My family is still involved with 281 and,
>>while it had some hosting problems this year, it is
>>still going strong. It is a one of a kind story.
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