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Re: Troop 157 -- Raul Seruya, 22:42:39 05/15/02 Wed (
I was a member of Troop 157 in the early to mid 70's when Harvey Goldstein was scout master. We used to meet in the gym of PS115(next to the cafeteria)every Friday. Harvey was later replaced by Mr. Silverman. I believe it was approx. 1973 when we spent the whole summer in boy scout camp where we had to pitch, and live out of, our own tents. We would pick up our food from the cantene and bring it back to the campsite and cook it in this old,black oven. My older brother, Simon, was assistant scoutmaster by then, and the troop included Jack Levy, Todd(and his brother), Allan Margolies, Manny Collazo, David Becker, Harvey's son Cory(?), Mike, Bret, etc. We went to the movies and saw James Bond's "Live and Let Die". Fun times!! Specially the weekly patrol meetings where we would learn CPR and decide on menus for the upcoming weekend hikes upstate...freezing cold , open "Lean Twos", fires started with flint, "policing the area" for litter, and trying to get as many of those brass metal awards for our belt. Were we ever that young?
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Re: Troop 157/friend of simons -- marty haft, 13:47:29 01/23/06 Mon (
> I was a member of Troop 157 in the early to mid 70's
>when Harvey Goldstein was scout master. We used to
>meet in the gym of PS115(next to the cafeteria)every
>Friday. Harvey was later replaced by Mr. Silverman. I
>believe it was approx. 1973 when we spent the whole
>summer in boy scout camp where we had to pitch, and
>live out of, our own tents. We would pick up our food
>from the cantene and bring it back to the campsite and
>cook it in this old,black oven. My older brother,
>Simon, was assistant scoutmaster by then, and the
>troop included Jack Levy, Todd(and his brother), Allan
>Margolies, Manny Collazo, David Becker, Harvey's son
>Cory(?), Mike, Bret, etc. We went to the movies and
>saw James Bond's "Live and Let Die". Fun times!!
>Specially the weekly patrol meetings where we would
>learn CPR and decide on menus for the upcoming weekend
>hikes upstate...freezing cold , open "Lean Twos",
>fires started with flint, "policing the area" for
>litter, and trying to get as many of those brass metal
>awards for our belt. Were we ever that young?
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