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Date Posted: 08:10:25 02/24/03 Mon
Author: Kate Fraser Haas
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Subject: Re: James Appleby, actor/comedian b.approx 1830ish?
In reply to: Lesley Hammond 's message, "James Appleby, actor/comedian b.approx 1830ish?" on 21:47:40 09/07/02 Sat

Well, I check this site periodically and came across your emai. My gg grandfather was James Edward Appleby born 1803 in London (Shoreditch)and married Sarah Ann Calvert in 1837 in Glasgow. He was an actor and comedian and also moved around a great deal.
His oldest child, Horatio, born in 1840 in Ireland (because they were there for a gig), also became an actor and comedian. I found him in Redruth, Cornwall in 1881, as the manager of a traveling acting troupe.
As best I can determine, James Edward was the youngest child (#7) of Samuel Appleby and Sarah Barraclough. Samuel was a tinsmith in the Shoreditch/Finsbury area. It seems unusual that there were London Appleby's who were in the entertainment business. I often wondered how James Edward got into it. His daugher, Louisa, was born in Edinburgh in 1855. Altogether he and Sarah had 13 children, of whom 4 survived.
Horatio, the oldest son, had 6 children, one of whom was James Benjamin, my grandfather, who became a professional jockey, as did his younger brother Horatio (Jr.). The family had white blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, something they were all known for.
If there are any connections, please contact me at henkat@harbornet.com
Kate Fraser Haas

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  • Re: James Appleby, actor/comedian b.approx 1830ish? -- James Appleby, Sr., 05:44:29 08/27/08 Wed
  • Re: James Appleby, actor/comedian b.approx 1830ish? -- janet burrows (puzzled), 15:36:52 11/03/12 Sat

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