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Date Posted: 18:36:13 01/18/04 Sun
Author: George Walton Appleby V
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Subject: Re: George Walton Appleby
In reply to: Peter Pearman 's message, "George Walton Appleby" on 17:47:55 02/28/01 Wed

Peter Pearman: I am astonished to come across your inquiry in what is really my first foray into tracking down family history. My name is George Walton Appleby and I live in Des Moines, Iowa. My great grandfather was George Walton Appleby II, who emigrated to Northwest Iowa as far as I know in the 1880's. His wife was Lillian Appleby and he died in 1948. His son, my grandfather, was married to Alice and he died in 1991. My father, George IV, died in Spencer, Iowa in 1961. I do not have extensive information on George II except from some very sketchy family lore and from an obituary which I recently obtained from the newspaper in Emmetsburg, Iowa. It identified him as coming from Durham, England. My wife and I are planning our first ever trip to England this summer and I thought to connect with some other descendants of what would be my great, great grandfather, presumeably still in England.
My great grandfather George has been described to me as a very upright, straight-laced, intelligent man. Some years ago I met an elderly lady in Emmetsburg who remembered him from when she was a child. She said that the term "gentleman" is used quite freely today, but that George was a true English gentleman. I had understood that he was a graduate of Cambridge, but his obituary only stated that he had been prepared for the military, so I don't know that to be the case. The story that has come down to me is that he was the eldest of eleven children, several of whom emigrated around the world. His brother Sir Reginald moved to the Bahamas and another brother moved to Nova Scotia in Canada. He and his wife Lillian are both buried in Emmetsburg. I have found their graves, although they do not have headstones. Lillian was the librarian in Emmetsburg for many years.
George and Lillian had three children: Helen, my grandfather George, and another daughter whose name I can't remember. This George III grew up on Emmetsburg. He was in the army during WWI but the war ended before he got sent overseas. He worked as an auto mechanic and then for many years in a factory in Davenport, Iowa. His wife Alice was born Alice Namer. They had one child, my father, George IV. He was a math teacher in Spencer, Iowa until his untimely death in 1961 at the age of 42.
Perhaps that information is useful or interesting to you. Have you developed a family tree for England? Where do you fit in this line? Thank you for any information you can share with me. George Appleby

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  • Re: George Walton Appleby -- Sarah Lehman, 15:43:26 10/14/04 Thu

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