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Subject: What to do?

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Date Posted: 03:13:42 04/13/02 Sat

*Katikcha comes down and sits in the corner* What should I do guys! At Lancepaws, I didn't want to die so i jumped up, up, but it seems everyone wants me to either die or get lung fluid and die slowly! I don't want to! I would also like to be in this RP to the end, not to have to pass out or something, cos as a character Katikcha isn't a woss, but if she passes out she will seem like one! So what do I do, die and leave forever, or pass out and look like a big girl! I should probably die, everyone wants me to! But why isn't anyone else hurt? Darn it....

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Kat, I am on the brink of death over there! Don't talk to me about being a wimp. Just to make them shut up say that you took and arrow in the shoulder, but you pulled it out with a wince, and keep fighting! (NT)Silvershadow14:14:32 04/13/02 Sat
**a creature passes and overhears. speaks in a rasping voice** Hmm, quite a perplexing predicament you have on your hands...er...paws.... If an old beasts opinion means anything nowadays...I would like to tell you that passing out from lungfluid isn't wussy. Things happen in battles. Nobeast is immortal, so everyone is going to be wounded in battle at at least one point in their life. Though sounds to me like you don't have to die. And if you don't want to...don't! However....passing out from such a wound isn't wussy....**chuckles** In fact, it could give some zest to the place...everyone worried and all that...though of course you will live, girl. Well...that's what I think....Yes... **nods and walks on** (NT)A wise old fool04:22:17 04/15/02 Mon
I don't want you to die, you still owe me a dance! *grins* How about you do as Silver said (pull out the arrow) but sit still and let me rush in and carry you out of the door! Or you could make a note that there's blood everywhere so beasts will know why you passed out, and if Grendel tries to kill you then you can say that by passing out that meant that you were out of the battle. That way he can't kill your char! (NT)Dakkan who wants his matey to pull through!17:26:21 04/15/02 Mon

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