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Subject: **tear drops from the squirrel's eye**

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Date Posted: 14:57:01 09/10/03 Wed

Well, you all, I think it's time to give it up. Unless a miricle happens, then it's goodbye to Calyn.

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**puts her bow and arrows over her shoulders, and grabs a haversack, with a decent amount of food, and trods, slowly and silently away from the holt, her head down, and not looking back.** (NT)Silvershadow14:25:10 09/15/03 Mon
*Naka comes out from the river* I know what ya mean matey....this isn't going anywhere any time soon...I'll miss ya..*watches silver walk off into the sunset and sings a farewell song until silver goes out of sight* (NT)Naka13:08:02 09/23/03 Tue
*stares in a melancholy sort of way at the stretch or river where he had once sported and flung mud at his mateys.* Aye, yore right. I don't know what happened to our mate Marina, but nobeast has been 'ere for a long time. I'm going as well. *fastens his saber snugly in its sheath, slings a haversack over one shoulder, and follows Silver's pawtracks down the path. Behind him on a tree he leaves a small carving - of otters and squirrels cavorting in the river. Underneath is carved in a hasty scrawl: "It Was Fun While It Lasted..." (NT)Dakkan the travellin' otter17:37:23 09/26/03 Fri
Aye, tis sad really. I'll miss this old place, mudfights, piefights, stories, laughter.... it was 'ome to me.... ah well. Ever searching for 'ome, eh? (NT)Katikcha03:52:29 11/07/03 Fri
Good-bye all...I'll miss ya...even though i wasn't 'ere very much or very long...*Naka walks the opposite direction the others are walking to find a new place to call home*Naka12:45:13 11/12/03 Wed
Well I am a miracle maker! I miss you guys, and I don't like crowded forts where my msg might be taken away! Come on, let's give it one last shot! please? (NT)Katikcha the magic lady!21:52:28 01/12/04 Mon
What do U meen, end of Holt Calyn? I just joined!Zenna Kanya Holaway21:23:35 07/13/04 Tue
Aww... *is sad to see the old message board again. Turning, the tall, sandy-hued otter finds an unfamiliar beast there* Well, I hate t'break it to ye, but... *hangs head* Calyn's been beastless for at least a year. We ourselves (Silvershadow, Katikcha, and Naka, with a little Salpik) roleplayed for about 6 months after the owner of the site mysteriously dropped out of the ROC. So, uh...unless you find somebody to talk t'you on these boards...you won't be talkin' much. (NT)Dakkan17:01:57 08/05/04 Thu
*sighs* we should realy put forth the effort to make this message board come alive again, just for old time sakes. I wasn't here long, but it seemed like this was the place to be. Let's have another food fight just out of old time sakes uh?*smiles at the thought* (NT)Naka08:16:37 10/10/04 Sun
That would be nice...*wonders where Katikcha went* Well, here y'are...*chucks a stale turnover at Naka* (NT)Dakkan12:49:05 11/22/04 Mon

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