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Subject: ooc: ah well, that makes a little bit of sense, but I think I would die for my country... I supose that may be just me tho. Bic: Ewww It's all over my tail!!! I'll get you fer that! **starts viciosly shaking an elderberry wine bottle**

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Date Posted: 08:32:14 07/03/02 Wed
In reply to: Katikcha 's message, "(OOC: Two reasons, I think. One is that you guys didn't need us with the whole ambulance thing, and do you know how long it takes for anything to happen here? We are talking about Australia. Also, you asked, and was given, pleanty of help in Afghanistan. Two) I think Australia wants to stay out of world wars or Ghihads as long as possible. We are thought of as a tourist destination, and I wanna stay that way mate! I mean, crickey when the rubber hits the road, who wants to be killed?) BIC: *Ducks as the missiles fire at her* You'll never catch me alive! *Katikcha yells as she grabs a bottle of 'marty sauce and squeezes it in Silver's direction*" on 23:35:54 07/01/02 Mon

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