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Subject: *takes a deeeep breath*

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Date Posted: 15:59:48 01/05/02 Sat

*muuters to self* Hmm...I know if I don't do it now, Katikcha will probably seek me out and eat me alive!
*walks out into the open, bearing (hooray!) a scroll.* Well mates, I was just thinkin' to myself and I figured I might put the first bit of my life story up....(this is the first book, for those who would care) Anyway, it starts when I was just a little otter cub.
*clears his throat*

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Subject Author Date
(PART ONE) "Our story begins..."Dakkan, the conserver of space!16:03:13 01/05/02 Sat
*smiles* Already lookin' forward to part 2, mate! (NT)Marina04:44:29 01/07/02 Mon
*Runs up and gives Dakkan a big hug* Yessss!!!!!! Finally, your story! *lets go and folds her arms and puts on a mock stern face* You took your time, didn't you? *Katikcha smiles, and sits down to listen to Dakkan story. She smiles at the young Dakkan, and gasps when the foxes try to get Dakkan and Watertrat. She cheers when they are getting away, but her eyes widen as Shadowfang gives chase. All in all she is a very good audience* Wow Dakkan. that was good! Hurry up with part two! (And by the way, I was ready to eat you alive! LOL) (NT)Katikcha15:41:15 01/07/02 Mon
(PART TWO) "Watertrat!"Dakkan15:37:23 01/08/02 Tue
*Katikcha cartwheels into the fort, singing* Lalalala! Yess!!!! Everyone, MY COMPUTER IS BAAAAACK!!!! I can post my story soon! YAY!!!!!!! (NT)Katikcha15:30:09 01/11/02 Fri
Yay! I really am gonna have to update the site and stick everyone's stories on. They're all so good! I have a school holiday coming up in February sometime so I'll get to work then. (NT)Marina02:37:08 01/15/02 Tue
(PART THREE) sorry it's so short, but it's all I've got typed as of now! (NT)Dakkan08:07:51 01/21/02 Mon
*Does a little dancing motion* Go dakkan, go dakkan, go go go dakkan! (NT)Katikcha21:54:13 01/21/02 Mon
OK, I can take a hint! Luckily for y'all, I just typed more stuff last night! Here's PART FOUR!Dakkan w/o any free time!!18:18:17 02/19/02 Tue
*is taken by suprise* waaa! Act four!? I thought you'd never post it! *laughs* (NT)Marina09:20:35 02/20/02 Wed
Okay, bit of a sad part here...PART FIVEDakkan who got around to it finally!15:48:59 03/04/02 Mon
*Sniff* more story, please!!!! (NT)Katikcha who just sent a message on her fort (hint hint)17:07:30 04/23/02 Tue
Here's a short bit, don't have lots of time! PART SIXDakkan18:37:27 04/23/02 Tue
*Katikcha walks into the room grinning* WEll you haven't done much since I've been away mate! *She runs over and gives everyone a big hug* So hows it all going matey! Tell me what been happening! (NT)Katikcha the long lost otter!02:19:51 11/10/02 Sun
*Salpik runs to Katikcha* HI!! haven't seen you in forever!! you probably dont' remeber be though...I'm never on that much*looks down*it stinks, but now that I have internet access I'll be on more often!! *a big grin appears on his face* hey Dak! moooooooove over!!!!!! *starts to chuckle* sorry!! I couldn't resist!! (NT)salpik who is being such an idiot!!06:42:49 12/05/02 Thu
*walks around and picks up a stick* dodododo......nothing to do! oh well...I'll just sit here and talk to me self 'er on the ground!*sits down and throws stick* boy was that fun.....*stands up* you guys need to come back!! it's like a abandoned town without you guys here!! oh look! a tumbleweed!! (NT)salpik who takes the name of werid09:41:18 12/07/02 Sat
KATIKCHA!!!!! *the otter nearly bowls her over as he sprints up* Where've you been, mate?! I stopped comin' cuz nobody was here except me, Silver, and Salipk, and we can talk one-one one cuz we live in the same town! I've been mostly at Lancepaw's...but I haven't seen you! So...how you been? (NT)Dakkan the ecstatic18:21:17 12/12/02 Thu
so bored!! *takes an apple pie and smashes it in his face* that's better!!*licks face* Yummy! now that's an apple pie!! (NT)salpik who is VERY hungry!!16:40:14 12/21/02 Sat
*licks face, yet again* I think I've had one to many rolls.....but one can never have too many rolls....right? (NT)salpik11:40:37 12/27/02 Fri
*Naka surfaces from the river* Salpik are you being annoying again? you've really got to quit that.*shakes her head and then dives back into river* (NT)Naka11:58:16 12/28/02 Sat

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