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Subject: Cheez wiz eh? **grabs some whip cream in the same sort of can and proceeds in counter attacking in a war of flying yellowy/orange and white**

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Date Posted: 13:26:09 07/16/02 Tue
In reply to: Dakkan, who is curious...How do you pronounce "Katikcha"? 's message, "*Dak rushes in from the Far West, back from his vacation!!* What's this now, politics?? *grins evilly* Don't get me started, I draw political cartoons, y'know. Anyhoo, Silver, I think it's cuz all these countries have their own domestic affairs to worry about. If the stock market crashed tomorrow, d'you think we'd concentrate on our hungry and poor or the ones in Africa? And Katikcha's right, most of our allies did help us in Afghanistan. Now all we need to do is root out Osama! If I had five minutes alone with the guy...*grinds his teeth, then suddenly wonders why he's talking about this sort of thing and finds a sort of primitive Redwall-version of a can of Cheez Wiz and squirts it all over his two mateys*" on 09:48:57 07/16/02 Tue

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