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Subject: [Everyone Read Before Joining[

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Date Posted: 12:40:25 03/17/04 Wed

Ok I have noticed that some new people have been joining! Yay! But I think you all need some help. I'm not trying to be mean, it just helps everyone here, (mainly me as of the moment) understand your horse or human. So just take a look at one of my horses that I play stats. Now you don't have to write them exactly like this, but it always helps to be creative! Most of you just need to go into more detail about your horse, and I hope this helps some of you that may be confused or something, however just try your best! And if you have any questions I will be here to answer them, also Mercedes will when she has time and not to mention Jess. But remember have fun! Also if you need more examples of really good stats, take a look at a few of them on the 'Records' page! And don't forget, your horse or human needs a picture!


Name: Eclipse
Breed: Godolphin Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Color: Chestnut
Age: 3 Years Old
Height: 16.0 Hands
Sire: Marske
Dam: Spiletta
Dam Sire: Regulus

Personality: Eclipse is a strong willed stallion, always spirited and bright. He takes to one person only. He will forever be grateful to this person, and if seperated will morn. His will to win is awesome, he will do everything to win, as it is bred into him. Eclipse seems to be by himself, yet he is respected and is always the lead of a herd. His confidence in himself, shows to others, thus making them respect him. Eclipse will run till he drops, a pure example of a horse that will please to know end. He gives his everything, everyday that you ask anything from him.

Conformation: Eclipse is a dark chestnut with a wide star. His right hind leg is also white almost up to his hock. Eclipse is a big horse, but tremendously strong, sound and fast. He is never lauded for his looks and sometimes criticized for having a large, unattractive head. His difficult temperament is well known and he carries high weights successfully in most of his races. His height is just over 16 hands, by half an inch, but he is notably an inch higher at the rump than at the withers. His heart is said to be inordinately large. He is of beautiful conformation, exquisitely proportioned with large hocks, well let down, with legs of iron, with unequalled lightness of forehand - a horse of incomparable beauty whose only flaw is being headstrong. An essentially strong stallion type, his quarters broad, tail carried in true Arabian style. He has a small head on a well arched and crested neck, was short-backed with tremendous quarters and a high-set tail. He has great bone, action, and a fiery temperament. He is described as a chestnut with flaxen mane & tail, about 16 hands high (one source says 16.2h.) with some white on the off hind heel and back left.

Stamina: Eclipse's lungs are wide and long. His excellent heritage relating back to the Godolphin stallion himself, Sham, as he sired Regulus. This enables him to run long distances and have enough power and will to win, to get that final surge of power and win. Stamina Of 10 Was gained through 35 posts, Mercedes, and they were all at least a paragraph.

Health/Lameness: None. He was born healthy, and he will stay that way.

Vices: If this stallion is not number one on your chart, relating to much attention and grooming specialities, more than likely he will begin to pout and not eat, making him weak and his attitude will become harsh.
Suggestion: It would be smart one your part to exercise this stallion everyday, and groom him twice. Always keep a blanket on him, even in summer but just a light sheet. This giving him the need of being taken care of. If you befriend this stallion he will do absolutely anything for you.


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