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Subject: C.ome D.own

Apollo 13
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Date Posted: 01:00:59 03/18/04 Thu

Dubbance~ Apollo 13
Linegae~ Anglo-Arabian
Gender~ Mascu
Painting~ Dusty brown flaxen points
Moons~ 6
Standing~ 16 Hands

Personality: Apollo at typical womens horse. His personality causes him to lean towards the likings of the female sex. Some may say a typical male. His dubbance suits him well Apollo 13, they came, they conqured and this stud shall strive to do just this. His heart is thrown at any task ahead whether it is a simple walk or a lightening gallop. His breedings lines sausing some faults that of his liking for females. If a male catches him alone beware.

Conformation: Apollo has a strong heart and sets that at every task. He carrys his father genes of the thoroughbred there for giving him long legs and a long back. He travels along one track and as most horse are is sure footed.
His maw is sensative though and finds the hands of man a little to strong, liking the weight and touch of the female.
His mother being arabian desendant gave him the endurance as loks to behold. His dish dial, well flared nostrils and eager lobes all a trait along with the carriage of his pate and his banner. His flaxen points ewre a highly regarded traight in his breed and each of his desendants held the gene. His pate and inquisitive windows earning him a long line of ofspring in his past.

Health/Lameness: His back is slightly out of line causing him to drift at times. Another problem to becareful of is the dust, the harsh desert dust seems to blow alot of the time and his skin is sensative therefor causing itches and sores if not groomed well.

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