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Subject: + The Bay

+ Al-Ahmar
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Date Posted: 09:44:23 07/05/04 Mon

Name: Al-Ahmar
Gender: Stallion
Age 3 Years
Color: Dark Bay
Height: 15.2
Sire: Cade
Dam: Spiletta
Personality: A stallion that will actually listen, and try to do anything you ask him to, to his best ability. A very caring, wanting to please horse. He wants to do everything you ask, and will try his hardest. Ahmar isn’t much on trying to be the lead stallion of a herd, but would rather be in the median, and let the other pick his fights. He will not be the one to be acting up, and at first glance you know he’s a stallion, but once you know his personality, he seems like a sweet mare. However, if he is mistreated, and handled with a ruff hand, he will easily become bitter, and not want to please anymore, as most horses will.
Conformation: A picture of perfection. His head is slightly dished, and very defined, a pure Arabian arch to his neck. A very well sloping shoulder, and very powerful front end and rear end, enabling him to push off with tremendous power and speed. His back is short, relating to a long underline, giving him the perfect balance. But most importantly a kind eye, which will always be evident. His legs are strong and sturdy, the perfect amount of bone, not too heavy, but not to light and frail.
Suggestion: It may be better if he were bought by a woman, unless you are a man with a soft touch, because he doesn’t like to be jerked around.
Stamina: Zero

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