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Subject: Brief Fifteen

Jase Lohan
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Date Posted: 09:27:09 07/09/04 Fri

Name: Jase Lohan
Age: 48
Gender: Male
History: Born in Ireland, he moved to Kentucky when his full abilities as a racehorse trainer were discovered. He started at a small, local race track with no real respect as a trainer but gradually made a name for himself in the racing community. Early in life, Jase hit it big in the business and became one of the most renowned trainers in modern race history. Soon he was being asked by the most prestigious breeders to train their horses and was raking in the cash like he could not believe. Once he was secure in his standing he began to take young horses and train them from scratch, producing some of the top racers in his time. One of these, a promising young filly, did not go as far as he had hoped, and her defeat brought about a crashing halt to his prosperous business. A perfectionist at heart, Jase took this personally and gradually fell into a life of alcohol abuse. His reputation in tatters, he isolated himself and gradually pulled away from the raceing life. His was a glory that faded and few remembered him. Coming out of two months of alcoholic rehabilitation, he borded a plane with no specific destination, in hopes of escaping his ruined life. This is where he found himself two days later.
Personality: Jase was once an outgoing, well-liked man, frequently asked to social events and always surrounded by friends. Unfortunatly, as his business upended he changed. He became gruff and unapprochable, largely due to the mass quantities of alcohol consumed. He is still a perfectionist, and when motivated to do something, does it to the best of his ability. His grouchy demeanor has all but taken over, so when one is able to get him to talk, it's usually with negetive results. He is tired and aged beyond his years, reclusive and haunted by a past that wont stop showing up.

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