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Subject: -mercenary-

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Date Posted: 17:30:42 07/09/04 Fri

Name: Lorn
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Since she was a toddler, Lorn has been almost completely independent of all other human creatures, and since she reached the legal age she has never looked back. Extreme in all cases Lorn is a dare-devil at heart, risking all for an adrenaline rush. Should someone step in her way..well she has never responded well to the word 'no'. A born philosopher, it is hard to imagine this rogue to be seen sitting and thinking. However, it is one of her favourite past-times to sit at dath-defying heights and contemplate the meaning of life (42. Heh). At first-look she may appear to be a skin-deep fortune-hunter and will rarely stick around long enough for any to descover otherwise, but those who know her well (a number which she can count on one hand) will tell you a tale of a hoplessly romantic adventurer who would like nothing better then to sit on the top of some distant mountain, contemplate the world, then base-jump to the bottom.
Other: She had brought with her a leather pouch filled with presicely 10 precious stones.

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