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Subject: See now...that just pisses me off. Here's my horse.

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Date Posted: 08:23:10 07/11/04 Sun
In reply to: chelle 's message, "testing" on 08:22:26 07/11/04 Sun

Name: Mercury
Age: 6
Breed: Straight Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Colour: Grey
Personality: Evil at heart, this stud is merciless and cold, taking sadistic pleasure in other's pain. Though some thing he is curable, he is not, nore would he want to be cured. He enjoys supremecy over all creatures he comes into violent contact with and does not hesetate to beat down a young colt or force himself on an unwilling mare. His one thought is the survival of his bloodline and he will to do anything to protect his prodegy and his right to a mare. Thinking nothing of steeling a mare from another stallion he has a nasty habit of leaving the stallion in dire straights, taking only the fittest and most attractive of mares. Only his odly sharp intelligence has allowed him to accomplish all he has, his coldly calcualting mind figuring out which is the best scenario for his profit and survival. Beware his quick temper; for he will not hesitate to strike at even a mare should she insult him. As mentioned above he is extremely protective of the mares he impregnates and captures, and though he will never show softness or tenderness toward any being (for he has none) he has a way of making even the most skittish of mares feel secure in the knowledge that he will murder anything that opposes him.
History: Wild from birth, he has won dominance over herds numering in the twenties (a great feit for a stud only 6 years of age). Touched by humans only once in life, he was saddled harshly but soon deemed untrainable and even demonic after he killed the man trying to mount him. Turned loose soon after his second death, he reclaimed mant of his herd population. His herd split up by man, he was driven off...running deep into the desert until he come accross this place...just in time for breeding season.
Conformation: His heigh and large muscle structure have only assisted in his domination of most stallions and all mares. He is tall and leggy; strongly muscled and well preportioned for speed and violence. Hard muscle covers his lean frame, giving him the look of a body builder without takeing away his grace and movement. He moves silently, with a muscular grace rarely seen in an arab of his stature, even if he is a mite skinny. The ability to count a couple of his ribbs gives him a rugged, thread bear appearence that only serves to trick his opponent into thinking him weak.
Stamina: Long years in the harshest of climates have refined this stallion's internal systems to the very best of their capacity. He is deap of girth with large lungs and a strong heart.
Health: Though he rarely suffers from serious maladies, he may experience an inconsequential cold now and again, but he does not allow these to slow him down.

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PictureMurcury/Chelle08:23:45 07/11/04 Sun

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