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Date Posted: 23:26:58 08/04/05 Thu
Author: Sean Morris
Author Host/IP: ool-182e4232.dyn.optonline.net /
Subject: I am looking for old freinds who lived near seview park, 1989-1995

I am looking for old freinds that lived near seaview park, or any of you who remember me. I am Sean Morris, My father is Richard, my mother is Maria, My sister is Kelly we all had brown hair. I lived in the same house as my aunt and uncle, Viola and Dennis, their childern, my cousins were Nick and Katie, who have bright red hair (except dennis, he had brown, they all shared my last name). We lived on east 92nd street, in the beige house, with the awning, many of use used to hang out on the porch.

Anyone remember Peaches, that monster dog who used to bark on the terrace right next to my old house?

A girl also lived next door to me, her name, was i think brittany, i dont remember how old she was, but brittany, if youre out there, contact me.

If you went to the block parties on 92nd street 1989-1995, contact me.

If you have lived on east 92nd street, behind seaview park, contact me.

If you were in canarsie-amity soccer, bantaam division, in 1993, in seview park, contact me.

If you were at one of my dad's and my uncle's barbeques, in our backyard, contact me.

If you know me from wheni was younger, contact me.

I would love to speak with some people who now are only memmories.

I miss canarsie, not like, i just remember it, and enjoy the memmorie, but the memories cause pain. A pain in the heart like a dead relative, or friend. do any others experience this emotional pain when reminicing on canarsie, or is it just me?

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[> Re: I am looking for old freinds who lived near seview park, 1989-1995 -- JOHN, 16:44:21 08/06/05 Sat (cache-mtc-ab08.proxy.aol.com/


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