Subject: Re: All yakima bands suck, except:... |
Jon Brulotte
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Date Posted: 18:05:02 09/05/03 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "All yakima bands suck, except:..." on 14:09:19 08/31/03 Sun
Obviously your post must be bullshit because...
1. You can't spell. (ie. It's Yakima not yakim and It's Forth not Forht)
2. Must be a personal issue. You attacked thee letting forth of fire first and foremost. Why did you choose not to any other bands? (Note to self: author of original post must be closet masturbator.)
3. Quote: "...haven't done shit for the yakima music scene." You clearly must have the intellectual level of a 3 year old or you must be blind. Where exactly have you been? Before Dave, Jason, & Josh from thee letting forth started up there was no music being played in Yakima unless you frequented cowboy bars. I have been part of the "music scene" here in Yakima for 10+ years. (another note to self: author of original message must be frequenting cowboy bars.)
4. Quote: "the fuckign bestbands from yakima are fiasco, Sodom City Council, MIndset, and fucking stone fly dude." Don't get me started with this one buddy. First, please learn how to spell "fucking" correctly. Your a shame to all users of profanity. Now, with the bands you mentioned. Fiasco: if you knew Aaron, Shelby, or Jeff, I doubt that they would come out and say any of the shit that you are mentioning. I agree that they are good, but one who limits himself to solely his own opinion and who does not appreciate the works of others is truely a fool. The second band you mentioned...Sodom City Council: Didn't they die? Or turn into a cover band named Night Hawk or some shit like that? (another note to self: author of original message must be an alcoholic. Reasoning: S.C.C. only plays in bars.) Mindset: Is there a member of the original band left? A local band that changes members more often than underwear should just go away. Enough said.
Stone Fly: or do you mean Locate Zero? Oh yeah, didn't you hear? Rusty, Matt, & Mike (Ogre) changed the name of the band and Joe Longo (Lead Singer & Guitarist of Brown, Phalacy, Quartermile Pumpkin, & Quartermile) has joined their rankings. You must live in a comma. The best show that I ever went to of "Stone Fly" was right before they broke up the last time. They had completely new and fresh music; they rocked. I haven't had the privilege of hearing the new stuff from Locate Zero (formerly known as Stone Fly). (ANOTHER note to self: due to selection of bands mentioned above I have come to the conclusion that the author of original message must also like the band which called themselves Manifest. Which reinforces my note to self in statement number 2 that the author of original message must be a closet masturbator.)
5. Quote: " moouse theater sucks balls." They do? You have pictures to prove it? Or is your proof the lipstick around your sack? (I haven't heard of any ball sucking, but I have heard of mild cases of dry humping which has nothing to do with their musical ability.) Clearly you've been asleep. For how long? Who knows. I'm starting to doubt that you know anything about music at all. (note to self: due to comment about ball sucking leads me to think that the closet masturbator who wrote original message is also a repressed homosexual.)
6. Quote: "All I really wanted to say is...stop talking shit about all these bands, because there shouldn't be a "best" band..." If this is all you wanted to say you should have said it, but your big mouth got you in some shit didn't it? You say that there shouldn't be a "best band". I couldn't agree with you more, but your big mouth got in the way and you were caught with your foot in your mouth because clearly your opinion states that there should be a worst band. You said, "I could name a hundred bands that beat both those lame-asses in fucking musical talent. Remember kids, stucture can be something besides 4/4. Maybe when you can finally play something harder than everlear and nirvana on your little instruments you'll be able to step up into the big leagues with real bands..." wow. can you say HYPOCRITE? I'm glad you know what 4/4 is; or do you? thee letting forth definitely plays some things in the root 4, but not always in 4/4. I'll leave the music theory class for another time.
7. Quote: "...but little fucking jealous faggots like thee letting forth and fucking blue mouse theatre talk shit and think their all fucking egotistical when they can't even fucking do anything to prove that their sooo "badass"." I'm almost starting to think that you have something against Christians. It's okay dude...most repressed homosexuals don't like Christians. But on the topic of your quote I can clearly see that you don't know any of these guys. I suggest that you sit down and have coffee with them sometime. Get to know them.
8. You didn't post your name. Are you not man enough to post your name? What's it going to hurt? I admit; there are times when I tell people that I don't like certain bands, but I will never go as far as to blaspheme their names like you have, and bring accusations down on their heads. For the sake that I really hope I hear a response from you; you'll notice that I have posted my real name and email address for your response. If you like, I'll email you my phone number if you want to discuss this any further.
My conclusion to your post is this: I call your bluff. Your full of shit.
It's okay to cry...
Jon Brulotte
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