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Subject: on behalf of American Fifth

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Date Posted: 04:24:13 09/08/03 Mon
In reply to: dennis 's message, "Re: Is American 5th better now that Nathan's gone" on 03:57:26 09/08/03 Mon

wow, this post is getting interesting,

im not here to talk shit about anything or anyone, im just here to layout some facts.

as of right now the band has been practicing for a while without nathan due to his broken wrist and are fully prepared to move on minus him. the main reason he is not a member anymore is due too reasons within the band, we will be going on as a four piece like we have been doing whle nathan was recouperating from his broken limb.

the band is right now very much as stable as it can get, the remaing 4 members are all on the same page musically and motivation wise. yes i know we have gone through more members that we really wanted too. no its not a game we play to change the linup as often as possible. every members departure has diffrent reasons behind it, and yes i know it sucks, no need to go on there,but,in the end we have overcome and turned our cheeks to the shit talking and always came out on top. i have no doubt in my mind that this will happen again, we will push through, we will overcome.

the band has discussed a name change, but we have decided that a name change would just lead to more shit talking behind our backs, and we want to be able to prove to ourselves and to you, the listener, as A5th. But we are going to do this :
insted of American 5th, we will be known as American Fifth
a little change, but a change none the less.

now musically we are progressing, since nathan has left we have wrote one new song thats completly finished and is titled "The best of Me" we have also started another new song that isnt finished yet, these new songs are a window into the new shape we are forming into, on the same page, we are dropping quite a few songs due to the fact that they dont represent the style of music we want to progress with, but we are keeping a few, i guess youll just have to catch one of our shows to see which ones.

i hope this clears things up a bit, if you would like more info, or if your confused about any of this. or if youd like to talk shit to our faces insted of gossiping or hiding behind a message board then please E-mail me at

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Re: on behalf of American FifthAshley15:39:29 09/08/03 Mon

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