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Date Posted: 00:03:51 11/19/03 Wed
Author: Brenda
Subject: Going out - the first time ...
In reply to: Thong Admin 's message, "Re: Thongs / strings and things" on 14:46:12 11/18/03 Tue

My first time? Well, about a couple of months ago, on our August bank Holiday, I'd dressed up in the evening (no-one else around), including make-up. As it got late, I thought - why not? Hmm, I can think of plenty of reasons! How to get up the street without my neighbours seeing, for a start. Where to go? What to do?
In the end, I braved it. I had on a reasonably short skirt, a blouse and a denim jacket, long honey-blonde wig, 1" black courts and small black handbag ("purse").
At midnight, I eased the front door open quietly and listened - it's a quiet street, and I was listening for ANY activity. Nothing ... with heart pounding, I opened the door, had a quick peek - no-one in sight - and quietly locked the door. On tiptoe, to avoid the clack of my heels, I swiftly got away from the house and walked away from town ... Did about 3 miles, mainly on side streets, with virtually no-one in sight. In a way, this was almost a shame, after all the agonising. I headed back home, but this time along a main road, making sure I had my back to the traffic. There were one or two pedestrians, all on the other side of the road, but no-one said anything or gave any signs of noticing. (This is a 6' tall blonde with - I think! - quiet nice legs and a short skirt, don't forget!)
Just before I reached my road, a car, going my way, tooted his horn!!! Must have been me, there was no-one else around at the time ... Gulp!
Anyway, I made my road, walked up it, didn't see anyone but still went into 'quiet node' for the last few yards, dived inside, locked the door, had a stiff drink (Southern Comfort,I seem to remember) and collapsed ...
A wonderful memory.
Bye for now.

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