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Date Posted: 03:30:24 09/13/03 Sat
Author: Aaron
Subject: my story

Hey all, its about 3 in the morning right now, and i just pretty much walked around my whole neighborhood just in my red panties! i walked around for about an hour, and went up to the park at about 1:30 AM. the park was completly dark, so i figured i could hang out there and no one would see me. I got to the park, and started swinging on the swings and all of a sudden this girl like age 16 or 17 came out of her house, (the park is pretty much someones backyard) and she yelled "HEY! What are you doing at the park at 2 in the morning?!" and i said nothing, and the girl was like "looks like your wearing some nice underwear, there..." and i was like "yeah..." and i sounded all embarassed. she said "hold on, lemme get you something" so she goes back inside for a minute, then comes back out and throws me a thong! she walked back inside as she said "your welcome." i took off my red panties and put on the nice blue sequin thong i had just recieved. i hung out at the park for like a half an hour more, until like 2 guys, about 20-25 came out of no where and was like "hey fag! get out of the park" so i took off running and they started to chase me. of course they had longer legs then me so they caught up to me and they started to grab for my thong! they managed to rip it but they stopped chasing me, but i still kept running to my house. I still have the thong because it wasnt ripped enough to fall off of me, but yeah. it was a very scary night... if you wanna see the thong, just email me at sk8ovrme1@hotmail.com and ill send you a pic.

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