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Date Posted: 20:28:20 01/17/07 Wed
Author: Fall
Subject: He tried to approach from the front this time, winding his arms around her and drawing her up close. "You know that I'd love you no matter what you weighed.." He spoke seriously, and then the tone changed towards playful. "Besides, didn't you know that 80% of guys prefer a girl with curves to one that is stick thin." And it was true - she was getting healthier now than he had ever seen her and she looked great - along with the pregnancy glow she'd picked up, she was easily the hottest girl he'd ever been with anyways.... but he was a bit biased now that she was his wife.
In reply to: Fallon 's message, "You make my head spin..." on 13:42:18 01/17/07 Wed

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  • "You weren't complaining when I was thirty five pounds lighter either." She stated, raising a brow as she stuck her tongue out at him, tipping her head back to see him more clearly. "You just like getting laid all the time, you don't care what I look like." She stated with a smirk, shifting to ease a bit more into his arms. "Can we go out shopping tonight?" She loved shopping more than anything and he could easily appease her anger or her hurt by him just taking her to walmart, she wasn't even picky about where she went. (NT) -- Diamond, 20:36:16 01/17/07 Wed
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