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Date Posted: 22:33:45 08/13/05 Sat
Author: Fallon
Subject: He pressed his lips together, still standing in the doorway of the nursery with his hands propped on either side of the door frame, looking inside. He was wearing his typical beater and track pants that he wore when he was not at work or out. "But I think of those both as boy colors, I want girly little girls that wear frilly dresses, not ones that play with GI Joes.." He paused, thoughtful, then looked up when she mentioned her hunger. "What do you feel like now?"
In reply to: Fallon 's message, "On a cloud of mystery, you're the angel fantasy.. au naturel, I adore you. Au naturel, you take away the pain and leave me with scars to remember you.. au naturel, I adore you..
on 22:24:18 08/13/05 Sat

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  • "I am not a girly girl, what if they take after me? Plus, what if there are two boys and they are stuck with yellow? Your going to have little pansy boys." She nodded a touch, her tongue stuck out. "My favorite colors are red and black, not pink or purple. Not all girls like pink and purple. Thats so stereotypical." She huffed, her latina accent coming out on the last part of her little rant. After a seconds hesitation she tipped her head again, fluffling the pillow behind her head. She didn't like the way he said now like it was such an inconveniance or like she was always hungry..which she was but it didn't need to be pointed out. "I don't know." (NT) -- Diamond, 22:36:41 08/13/05 Sat
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