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Date Posted: 19:46:13 01/17/07 Wed
Author: Fall
Subject: He nodded in agreement about the cellphone bit but didn't say what he was thinking - all it took was for him to be twenty minutes, ten minutes away from her and for something to go wrong. He didn't think she could handle it, or he could, if he let her down again. He watched her a moment, his mind absent from the present and flickering back to that awful night in the hospital before coming back to the moment at hand. "Alright then, it's decided... I'll pop out for a couple of hours in the afternoon and bring you home something for dinner?" Truth be told, he was enjoying this sleeping in and snuggling with her.
In reply to: Fallon 's message, "You make my head spin..." on 13:42:18 01/17/07 Wed

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  • She smiled warmly, she thought he could read her mind at times. She didn't want him to go in the morning, that was there time when they lingered in their big bed, cuddling and talking and planning and sometimes a little bit more action than conversation. "That sounds perfect. I am thinking...." She pursed her lips, going through all the take out places around before she suddenly spoke up again. "I am hungry now, actually." With that, she shifted on the couch to push her large, awkward body up off the sofa to waddle on into the kitchen. It was ususally full these days, well packed and equipped for her appettite. (NT) -- Diamond, 19:51:57 01/17/07 Wed
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