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Subject: Maggie's farm (Part 33)

taxi driver
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Date Posted: 14:08:24 06/29/04 Tue

Part 33

"To get rich is glorious!"
-----Deng Xiaoping

It was a Saturday just like any other.

Arriving at Dongguan Shan Chong in the early afternoon, Maggie greeted me with a big smile.

"Lo Kung, you must be very tired and hungry by now. Let's go to lunch. Chen Ning is waiting for us at the restaurant," said a very happy Maggie.

"She's coming with you? I thought you didn't like her that much,"I replied.

"Yes, I didn't like her when I first met her, but she's just a little kid! Besides, she's the only friend I have in Dongguan. Don't you understand? "

"No, I don't," I answered.

And I didn't care when I saw Chen Ning sitting at a table in the far end corner, waving to us. She looked so sexy and gorgeous in her short skirts and loose blouse.

Actually, it was that baby face that attracted me to Chen Ning. Some Sichuan girls just have that cute look to them, the youthful look that makes them appear to be very innocent. What I liked about her was that little-kid smile, the way her soft-looking lips curled around, showing her small white teeth. But she wasn't all that much of a little kid—she just made herself out to seem that way.

Nonetheless, she has a very outgoing and lively personality, someone who always sees the brighter side, always optimistic. And I like such people.

"Nice to see you again, Yan Jing!" Chen Ning gave me her mischievous little-kid smile.

"Please stop calling me Yan Jing, will you? My name is driver, don't you remember?" I frowned.

"Of course! I also remember you're such a nice Lo Kung to buy you-know-what for Maggie, hahaha...,' she laughed out so loudly.

Maggie and I looked at each other and blushed.

"Sorry if I disturbed your "two-person's world", but I feel so happy today and I want to buy you two a big lunch," she announced joyfully.

"What's the occasion? Your birthday today?" I asked.

"Not yet, but my "old man" just gave me RMB50, 000 as a start-up capital for my parents to set up a small business in my home town. We’re going to get rich soon!" She replied excitedly.

Maggie looked at her "old man" and asked sadly:

"Lo Kung, when are we going to get rich?"

to be continued.........

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