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Date Posted: 09:05:33 09/01/03 Mon
Author: Curious George
Subject: Re: Hey now.....
In reply to: Chico Bob 's message, "Re: Hey now....." on 07:00:58 09/01/03 Mon

>What I think Syk is trying to say is, "Thanks Chico
>Bob. You're the man!! You are a genius who
>understands the importance of a good debate. If not
>for you, my website would be going under because the
>only guys who would post are Curious George, Juice,
>and Soontobe and they're not even interesting. He may
>not be the most positive guy when it comes to the new
>look Knights, but how can I argue with a guy who is
>100% on his season predictions so far?"
>Chico Bob's response: "Thanks, Syk. I do what I can.
> To be honest, I just want to have fair discussions on
>the facts at hand. My panties don't get all caught up
>in a wad when someone says something bad about me. I
>understand that everyone is entitled to his/her
>opinion so whatever I say is fairly criticized.
>Thanks for understanding. I will continue to add
>insight and highly intelligent comments to this
>message board."
>And for you out there who want Syk to remove my
>password, I ask this question:
>"If you were the GM (that's 'general manager' for you
>uninformed folks) of the Atlanta Falcons, would you
>cut Michael Vick in the middle of the season?
>I don't think so.

There was no Michael Vick cut in the middle of the season. In fact, the only time Vick's name was used in a comparison of Castle, was on the news when Ray Everhart called Billeck "the Michael Vick of high school". Now if Vick is injured during the season, does the GM not let him return to his true place on the team when he comes back? Or should the GM and coach just allow the replacement to keep playing and Vick's talent to sit the bench?

Chico, don't even answer- we know you'd let Vick sit the bench so yours could play.

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