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Date Posted: 13:37:52 02/16/09 Mon
Author: anom
Subject: Re: Random Thoughts On Dollhouse (spoilers)
In reply to: Cactus Watcher 's message, "Random Thoughts On Dollhouse (spoilers)" on 07:39:05 02/15/09 Sun

Another big question is, how does the Dollhouse get the memories they implant in the Actives? Do people "donate" them? Do they know how those memories will be used? Did the real Eleanor Penn decide that even though she couldn't live with them, her memories were worth preserving so someone else could help other kidnapped people? Did she know an Active would get those memories wiped afterwards, & think that made it OK, maybe even envy her? Or are the memories stolen somehow, or is consent obtained the same way as w/the Actives?

Which, by the way, I wouldn't call "free will," CW; even if Caroline's consent wasn't forced, it was certainly coerced. On the other hand, if the whole operation is illegal, the contract probably isn't enforceable. The parallel w/other kinds of human trafficking is made entirely explicit in the FBI subplot, & some places do have laws offering asylum to its victims; I wonder if the Actives would be treated that way if the Dollhouse were brought down or if they'd have to face whatever they were trying to get away from when they signed up.

I also have to wonder about the physical consequences that must remain after the memories are wiped. The show makes a point of showing the aftermath of Echo's knee injury (even though no scrapes or bruises are visible when she's dancing in that very short dress, hmm). What if a client wants to have sex w/an Active without using a condom? And of course, it's plain that many of their assignments require them to risk their lives--if 1 of them dies, what does the Dollhouse tell their relatives? For that matter, what do they tell the relatives when the person effectively disappears? Do they let them think (they couldn't tell them, of course) they're in Witness Protection--which, now that I think of it, could make a lot of sense?

All in all, I have some serious problems w/the show so far. The plot relied too much on coincidence, esp. that the kidnapper was the same one who had abused Eleanor Penn, & the whole idea that a criminal could maintain that kind of career for as long as he had isn't plausible. I also didn't like the use of Penn's asthma as a plot device. And I disagree about the end of the kidnapping: the client didn't want it to go that way (& as far as we know wasn't conscious to change his orders), & the kidnappers never knew the negotiator they were dealing with was from the Dollhouse, so what was there to cover up?

The premise itself is very discomfiting, but it's meant to be. From what I hear, the point is to raise questions about exactly what the Dollhouse does, so I'm willing to see where Joss goes w/it, despite my doubts. And it was great to see the Mutant Enemy credit at the end, after all this time! Even though some parts of the show had me going grr, argh!

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