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Date Posted: 18:55:24 02/16/09 Mon
Author: Cactus Watcher
Subject: Re: Random Thoughts On Dollhouse (spoilers)
In reply to: anom 's message, "Re: Random Thoughts On Dollhouse (spoilers)" on 13:37:52 02/16/09 Mon

I doubt the Dollhouse took the money. I suspect it was returned to the client. Again there is a problem with this organization both being available to individuals and totally secret from the government. One way or the other the client has to be very happy, and I don't think once he was shot, the client would be happy unless they did everything to get his money back and make sure nothing about the kidnappers was traceable back to him. The client would still have to explain to the police how he was shot and give a reason why it happened, and that story too would probably have to be provided by the Dollhouse.

Anom, I don't think the client really wanted to be involved in killing the kidnappers, or necessarily wanted them dead. I'm not sure how much the Dollhouse would even tell him afterwards. But concerning the shootout, I also doubt there was any other way for the Dollhouse to both be sure of its own future secrecy and make amends for getting their client shot. Elizabeth Penn, the active, I think would have been happy to let the two walk away with the money, but then she knows nothing about who she really is or what's behind the organization that sent her there.

As for notifying relatives of actives, I suspect that no one with any contact with relatives would make a good candidate to be an active. Part of that thick file, I imagine, was a list of everyone Caroline had had any prolonged contact with in recent years. How they would check up on those people to be sure no one would look for her is probably best left to TV magic. ;o)

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