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Date Posted: 19:58:42 01/18/10 Mon
Author: Masquerade
Subject: Angel: After the Fall, issue #3 (spoilers)
In reply to: Masquerade 's message, "Angel: After the Fall issue #1 (with potential spoilers up to Issue #5)" on 12:10:28 01/18/10 Mon

The issue opens with Angel battling Illyria, who has found him visiting her little fiefdom. He wants a word with her, because he believes she may be responsible for killing the demon lord Kr'ph and stealing the Eye of Ramras. During the fight, Illyria has him at her mercy, pinned to the wall with swords in his hands. Then she hesitates. We see Angel, apparently from Illyria's point of view, as a Smile Time puppet, as an infant.

Angel wonders if there is anything of Fred left in her. If so, it might be a weakness, something he can use to get the upper hand.

Spike comes in and sees them like this, and asks Illyria to stop.

Just then, Angel's dragon friend crashes Spike and Illyria's fortress hideaway. Spike is angry with Angel for compromising his home, but not for the reason Angel assumes--because Spike has somehow found a place to hide from the hellish circumstances of L.A. where the blood flows free and he is surrounded by adoring admirers.

This is a front, as Connor explains when he appears just as suddenly. Spike has been using his position as the apparent sidekick of the lord of Beverly Hills to do exactly what Angel has been doing--saving humans and sending them to safety in Santa Monica.

This dismays Angel, not only because Spike has been doing it longer and more successfully, but because his son has become pals with Spike behind his back. But Angel has been a bit out of the loop for a reason--after L.A. was sent to hell, he was unconscious for quite a while, recovering from injuries. His friends adjusted to life in hell without him. He is the late-comer on the scene.

Angel now believes Spike and Illyria were framed for the death of the lord of Westwood by somebody else, and he is determined to find out who.

The scene changes to a meeting of the lords of the various fiefdoms. The building where they are meeting has been cursed with "a power countermand," probably like the spell on Lorne's old club, Caritas, that prevents them from doing violence to each other. They note that the lord of Silver Lake is not there, nor is the lord of Beverly Hills (Illyria). They are meeting to discuss the death of Burgh's (the lord of downtown L.A.) son. Burgh wants to kill Angel. The others warn him that Wolfram and Hart won't allow this. This limit to their power, along with the power countermand, would indicate they are only serving as lords of L.A. at the sufferance of the Senior Partners, and have no absolute power there.

Just then, Angel and Wesley appear. Wesley, the apparent liaison of the Senior Partners, tells them they are free to kill Angel (although if he is actually speaking for the Partners, or going against them, is not clear). Angel says if he wins, he gets to be lord of L.A.--all of it. They agree to meet in two days to do battle, Angel against the appointed champions of each of the lords.

A lot is at stake here, because, we then learn, Angel awoke from his injuries, and has been roaming L.A. saving people, as a mere human being. He is no longer a vampire.

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  • Angel: After the Fall, issue #4 -- Masquerade, 20:00:55 01/18/10 Mon

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