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Date Posted: 20:00:55 01/18/10 Mon
Author: Masquerade
Subject: Angel: After the Fall, issue #4
In reply to: Masquerade 's message, "Angel: After the Fall issue #1 (with potential spoilers up to Issue #5)" on 12:10:28 01/18/10 Mon

The issue begins in the alley at the end of Not Fade Away. Angel is fighting demons in the pouring rain. In mid-fight, he is teleported to a rooftop and L.A. is cast into hell. He leaps off the building to return to the fight, and in the process breaks his back.

Because he's only human.

Wesley appears to find him like that, already dressed in the suit he is now condemned to wear in his ghostly state.

In issue #2, Spike made a comment that during the battle in the alley, Gunn had "become a four-course buffet." Spike believes Gunn died in the alley. All Angel remembers is Gunn being dragged away, but not much more than that.

Like Wesley's ghostly purgatory and Gunn's vampire state, hell, for Angel, has been personalized,. His hell is to be human without the Shanshu. He believes he is human because the Senior Partners wanted to strip him of his power. Angel's only advantage is that no one knows he is human except he and Wesley. The two of them have been using a glamour to make it appear that Angel is still a vampire, and dwindling magicks to heal his battle wounds. Angel does not want the Partners to win the advantage of making him human, so he is trying to behave as if he is not human.

But now he is supposed to fight the demon lords of L.A., or at least their appointed champions. As Wesley advises Angel of the folly of this in his room at Wolfram and Hart, the Transuding Furies appear.

The scene cuts to Gunn, who is standing atop a building across from the Wolfram and Hart office building. He sees Angel drive away.

Meanwhile, two of the lords of L.A. visit the lord of Beverly Hills. They have a weapon to give Illyria's appointed champion in the battle against Angel that they hope will give them an advantage--a Hagun Shaft. There are only eight in existence, and each of the lords of L.A. now has one. They were created by and for an immortal out of the primordial fire so he could end his own existence should the world become tiresome. A Hagun Shafter turns an immortal's insides out.

One of Spike's lady companions, Spider, suggests to Spike that he kill Angel. This will win him the fear and respect of the demon lords, and make their lives easier in hell. She also hints that he could use Illyria's power towards some even more ambitious end, but Spike rejects both these suggestions. He will neither kill Angel nor use Illyria.

The Furies take Angel and Wesley to Silver Lake, where, we learn, Lorne is the reigning lord. In this fiefdom, life is protected, and therefore, pretty good. Lorne went through a dark period after Fred's death. This was only intensified when Angel asked him to kill Lindsey McDonald. Lorne decided he couldn't follow Angel any longer, and turned his back on him. But since then, Lorne found a new life and hope in his little corner of hell, protecting people. So he is willing to let Angel back into his life again.

Lorne tells Angel that he has been approached by the other lords about sending a champion to fight Angel, and warns him about the Hagun Shaft. Officially, Lorne cannot give the appearance of taking Angel's side in the fight. But he has managed to track down the Groosalug (who appeared briefly and cryptically in issue #3 with Illyria) to help Angel.

Lorne is more nervous with having Wesley, the liaison of the Senior Partners, in his little hamlet, then he is having Angel there. But Wesley tells Lorne it isn't Wolfram and Hart he should be afraid of. There are even greater evils working in this hellish place that the Partners cannot control.

The scene cuts to Gunn and a few of his men, standing outside Wolfram and Hart. They have just been inside the building, and come out with nothing more than a photograph of happier times--Angel, Fred, Cordelia, Gunn, and Wesley holding baby Connor. But they left something behind--a bomb. The building explodes.

Back in Silver Lake, Wesley fades away before Lorne's eyes.

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  • Angel: After the Fall, issue #5 -- Masquerade, 20:03:33 01/18/10 Mon

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