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Date Posted: 20:03:33 01/18/10 Mon
Author: Masquerade
Subject: Angel: After the Fall, issue #5
In reply to: Masquerade 's message, "Angel: After the Fall issue #1 (with potential spoilers up to Issue #5)" on 12:10:28 01/18/10 Mon

The issue opens with Wesley standing in a white space being interrogated by a disembodied voice. Wesley tries to convince his interrogator that everything is under control. They show him the bombed-out Wolfram and Hart building, and blame him for the encouragement he has given Angel that lead him to pick a fight with the demon lords of L.A.

Angel's healing magicks were destroyed along with the Wolfram and Hart building. Only the glamour that makes him appear to be a vampire remains. Its talismanic source is hidden inside Angel.

Over in Beverly Hills, we learn that Spike's lady companions have decided to go through with their plan to kill the lords of L.A. and assume control. They expect Spike to kill Angel; Spike would rather make a strategic retreat. Illyria tells him he must carry out the ladies' plan.

In Santa Monica, Connor, Nina, and Gwen are gearing up for the fallout of Angel's battle. They don't expect it to be good for the humans of HelL.A. Suddenly, someone appears behind them.

The people and demons of the city gather downtown to watch the battle. They are warned to stay out of the way of what the lords expect to be Angel's slaughter. One of the lords grabs a man off the street to demonstrate what will happen to anyone if they interfere, but at that moment, Angel makes his entrance and saves the hapless victim. Angered, the lord tells everyone present that Angel is responsible for them being in hell in the first place. Angel admits that this is true.

Among the people hearing his confession is Gunn. Angel also makes known that if he wins, the people will be free of their demon overlords. Angel is attacked by one of the champions. He starts fighting.

Wesley reappears in Silver Lake and tells Lorne's spy-minion to get word out to his friends--they must come together again if there is any hope for Angel. The Furies tell Wesley that Lorne is already on the case--Lorne decided to gather all of Angel's allies together to help him. One by one, he went to each of them, and now Connor, Gwen, Nina, Spike, and the Groosalug have all joined the fight. The other lords see Lorne helping Angel as well. The Groosalug frees Angel's dragon to join in the fight.

Even Illyria appears, although whose side she's on is anyone's guess, since she seems only to fight for the sake of fighting. She and Spike are stopped short by the sight of Wesley, however, whom they both thought was dead. Which he is, of course. The sight of Wesley turns Illyria into Fred.

The only one of Angel's allies not joining in is Gunn, but he seems to know something about how the fight is going to go.

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  • Re: Angel: Telepathic fish -- Rich, 21:23:41 01/18/10 Mon
  • Re: Angel: Telepathic fish -- Masq, 08:32:46 01/19/10 Tue

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